// ==UserScript==
// @name          3CX TAPI
// @namespace     http://cp-solutions.at
// @version       9.2.2
// @author        Daniel Triendl <d.triendl@cp-solutions.at>
// @copyright     Copyright 2021 CP Solutions GmbH
// @source        https://source.cp-austria.at/git/CPATRD/3cx_tapi.git
// @downloadURL   https://source.cp-austria.at/git/CPATRD/3cx_tapi/raw/branch/master/3CX_TAPI.user.js
// @match*
// @match         https://cpsolution.my3cx.at:5001/*
// @require       https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/CoeJoder/waitForKeyElements.js@v1.2/waitForKeyElements.js
// @require       https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/axios@undefined/dist/axios.min.js
// @require       https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/axios-userscript-adapter@undefined/dist/axiosGmxhrAdapter.min.js
// @grant         GM.xmlHttpRequest
// @grant         GM.notification
// @grant         GM.getValue
// @grant         GM.setValue
// @connect       cpatapi.cpsrvweb2016.cp-austria.at
// @run-at        document-end
// ==/UserScript==

/******/ (() => { // webpackBootstrap
/******/ 	var __webpack_modules__ = ({

/***/ "./node_modules/css-loader/dist/runtime/api.js":
/***/ ((module) => {

"use strict";

  MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
  Author Tobias Koppers @sokra
module.exports = function (cssWithMappingToString) {
  var list = [];

  // return the list of modules as css string
  list.toString = function toString() {
    return this.map(function (item) {
      var content = "";
      var needLayer = typeof item[5] !== "undefined";
      if (item[4]) {
        content += "@supports (".concat(item[4], ") {");
      if (item[2]) {
        content += "@media ".concat(item[2], " {");
      if (needLayer) {
        content += "@layer".concat(item[5].length > 0 ? " ".concat(item[5]) : "", " {");
      content += cssWithMappingToString(item);
      if (needLayer) {
        content += "}";
      if (item[2]) {
        content += "}";
      if (item[4]) {
        content += "}";
      return content;

  // import a list of modules into the list
  list.i = function i(modules, media, dedupe, supports, layer) {
    if (typeof modules === "string") {
      modules = [[null, modules, undefined]];
    var alreadyImportedModules = {};
    if (dedupe) {
      for (var k = 0; k < this.length; k++) {
        var id = this[k][0];
        if (id != null) {
          alreadyImportedModules[id] = true;
    for (var _k = 0; _k < modules.length; _k++) {
      var item = [].concat(modules[_k]);
      if (dedupe && alreadyImportedModules[item[0]]) {
      if (typeof layer !== "undefined") {
        if (typeof item[5] === "undefined") {
          item[5] = layer;
        } else {
          item[1] = "@layer".concat(item[5].length > 0 ? " ".concat(item[5]) : "", " {").concat(item[1], "}");
          item[5] = layer;
      if (media) {
        if (!item[2]) {
          item[2] = media;
        } else {
          item[1] = "@media ".concat(item[2], " {").concat(item[1], "}");
          item[2] = media;
      if (supports) {
        if (!item[4]) {
          item[4] = "".concat(supports);
        } else {
          item[1] = "@supports (".concat(item[4], ") {").concat(item[1], "}");
          item[4] = supports;
  return list;

/***/ }),

/***/ "./node_modules/css-loader/dist/runtime/noSourceMaps.js":
/***/ ((module) => {

"use strict";

module.exports = function (i) {
  return i[1];

/***/ }),

/***/ "./node_modules/dayjs/dayjs.min.js":
/***/ (function(module) {

!function (t, e) {
   true ? module.exports = e() : 0;
}(this, function () {
  "use strict";

  var t = 1e3,
    e = 6e4,
    n = 36e5,
    r = "millisecond",
    i = "second",
    s = "minute",
    u = "hour",
    a = "day",
    o = "week",
    f = "month",
    h = "quarter",
    c = "year",
    d = "date",
    l = "Invalid Date",
    $ = /^(\d{4})[-/]?(\d{1,2})?[-/]?(\d{0,2})[Tt\s]*(\d{1,2})?:?(\d{1,2})?:?(\d{1,2})?[.:]?(\d+)?$/,
    y = /\[([^\]]+)]|Y{1,4}|M{1,4}|D{1,2}|d{1,4}|H{1,2}|h{1,2}|a|A|m{1,2}|s{1,2}|Z{1,2}|SSS/g,
    M = {
      name: "en",
      weekdays: "Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday".split("_"),
      months: "January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December".split("_"),
      ordinal: function (t) {
        var e = ["th", "st", "nd", "rd"],
          n = t % 100;
        return "[" + t + (e[(n - 20) % 10] || e[n] || e[0]) + "]";
    m = function (t, e, n) {
      var r = String(t);
      return !r || r.length >= e ? t : "" + Array(e + 1 - r.length).join(n) + t;
    v = {
      s: m,
      z: function (t) {
        var e = -t.utcOffset(),
          n = Math.abs(e),
          r = Math.floor(n / 60),
          i = n % 60;
        return (e <= 0 ? "+" : "-") + m(r, 2, "0") + ":" + m(i, 2, "0");
      m: function t(e, n) {
        if (e.date() < n.date()) return -t(n, e);
        var r = 12 * (n.year() - e.year()) + (n.month() - e.month()),
          i = e.clone().add(r, f),
          s = n - i < 0,
          u = e.clone().add(r + (s ? -1 : 1), f);
        return +(-(r + (n - i) / (s ? i - u : u - i)) || 0);
      a: function (t) {
        return t < 0 ? Math.ceil(t) || 0 : Math.floor(t);
      p: function (t) {
        return {
          M: f,
          y: c,
          w: o,
          d: a,
          D: d,
          h: u,
          m: s,
          s: i,
          ms: r,
          Q: h
        }[t] || String(t || "").toLowerCase().replace(/s$/, "");
      u: function (t) {
        return void 0 === t;
    g = "en",
    D = {};
  D[g] = M;
  var p = function (t) {
      return t instanceof _;
    S = function t(e, n, r) {
      var i;
      if (!e) return g;
      if ("string" == typeof e) {
        var s = e.toLowerCase();
        D[s] && (i = s), n && (D[s] = n, i = s);
        var u = e.split("-");
        if (!i && u.length > 1) return t(u[0]);
      } else {
        var a = e.name;
        D[a] = e, i = a;
      return !r && i && (g = i), i || !r && g;
    w = function (t, e) {
      if (p(t)) return t.clone();
      var n = "object" == typeof e ? e : {};
      return n.date = t, n.args = arguments, new _(n);
    O = v;
  O.l = S, O.i = p, O.w = function (t, e) {
    return w(t, {
      locale: e.$L,
      utc: e.$u,
      x: e.$x,
      $offset: e.$offset
  var _ = function () {
      function M(t) {
        this.$L = S(t.locale, null, !0), this.parse(t);
      var m = M.prototype;
      return m.parse = function (t) {
        this.$d = function (t) {
          var e = t.date,
            n = t.utc;
          if (null === e) return new Date(NaN);
          if (O.u(e)) return new Date();
          if (e instanceof Date) return new Date(e);
          if ("string" == typeof e && !/Z$/i.test(e)) {
            var r = e.match($);
            if (r) {
              var i = r[2] - 1 || 0,
                s = (r[7] || "0").substring(0, 3);
              return n ? new Date(Date.UTC(r[1], i, r[3] || 1, r[4] || 0, r[5] || 0, r[6] || 0, s)) : new Date(r[1], i, r[3] || 1, r[4] || 0, r[5] || 0, r[6] || 0, s);
          return new Date(e);
        }(t), this.$x = t.x || {}, this.init();
      }, m.init = function () {
        var t = this.$d;
        this.$y = t.getFullYear(), this.$M = t.getMonth(), this.$D = t.getDate(), this.$W = t.getDay(), this.$H = t.getHours(), this.$m = t.getMinutes(), this.$s = t.getSeconds(), this.$ms = t.getMilliseconds();
      }, m.$utils = function () {
        return O;
      }, m.isValid = function () {
        return !(this.$d.toString() === l);
      }, m.isSame = function (t, e) {
        var n = w(t);
        return this.startOf(e) <= n && n <= this.endOf(e);
      }, m.isAfter = function (t, e) {
        return w(t) < this.startOf(e);
      }, m.isBefore = function (t, e) {
        return this.endOf(e) < w(t);
      }, m.$g = function (t, e, n) {
        return O.u(t) ? this[e] : this.set(n, t);
      }, m.unix = function () {
        return Math.floor(this.valueOf() / 1e3);
      }, m.valueOf = function () {
        return this.$d.getTime();
      }, m.startOf = function (t, e) {
        var n = this,
          r = !!O.u(e) || e,
          h = O.p(t),
          l = function (t, e) {
            var i = O.w(n.$u ? Date.UTC(n.$y, e, t) : new Date(n.$y, e, t), n);
            return r ? i : i.endOf(a);
          $ = function (t, e) {
            return O.w(n.toDate()[t].apply(n.toDate("s"), (r ? [0, 0, 0, 0] : [23, 59, 59, 999]).slice(e)), n);
          y = this.$W,
          M = this.$M,
          m = this.$D,
          v = "set" + (this.$u ? "UTC" : "");
        switch (h) {
          case c:
            return r ? l(1, 0) : l(31, 11);
          case f:
            return r ? l(1, M) : l(0, M + 1);
          case o:
            var g = this.$locale().weekStart || 0,
              D = (y < g ? y + 7 : y) - g;
            return l(r ? m - D : m + (6 - D), M);
          case a:
          case d:
            return $(v + "Hours", 0);
          case u:
            return $(v + "Minutes", 1);
          case s:
            return $(v + "Seconds", 2);
          case i:
            return $(v + "Milliseconds", 3);
            return this.clone();
      }, m.endOf = function (t) {
        return this.startOf(t, !1);
      }, m.$set = function (t, e) {
        var n,
          o = O.p(t),
          h = "set" + (this.$u ? "UTC" : ""),
          l = (n = {}, n[a] = h + "Date", n[d] = h + "Date", n[f] = h + "Month", n[c] = h + "FullYear", n[u] = h + "Hours", n[s] = h + "Minutes", n[i] = h + "Seconds", n[r] = h + "Milliseconds", n)[o],
          $ = o === a ? this.$D + (e - this.$W) : e;
        if (o === f || o === c) {
          var y = this.clone().set(d, 1);
          y.$d[l]($), y.init(), this.$d = y.set(d, Math.min(this.$D, y.daysInMonth())).$d;
        } else l && this.$d[l]($);
        return this.init(), this;
      }, m.set = function (t, e) {
        return this.clone().$set(t, e);
      }, m.get = function (t) {
        return this[O.p(t)]();
      }, m.add = function (r, h) {
        var d,
          l = this;
        r = Number(r);
        var $ = O.p(h),
          y = function (t) {
            var e = w(l);
            return O.w(e.date(e.date() + Math.round(t * r)), l);
        if ($ === f) return this.set(f, this.$M + r);
        if ($ === c) return this.set(c, this.$y + r);
        if ($ === a) return y(1);
        if ($ === o) return y(7);
        var M = (d = {}, d[s] = e, d[u] = n, d[i] = t, d)[$] || 1,
          m = this.$d.getTime() + r * M;
        return O.w(m, this);
      }, m.subtract = function (t, e) {
        return this.add(-1 * t, e);
      }, m.format = function (t) {
        var e = this,
          n = this.$locale();
        if (!this.isValid()) return n.invalidDate || l;
        var r = t || "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ",
          i = O.z(this),
          s = this.$H,
          u = this.$m,
          a = this.$M,
          o = n.weekdays,
          f = n.months,
          h = function (t, n, i, s) {
            return t && (t[n] || t(e, r)) || i[n].slice(0, s);
          c = function (t) {
            return O.s(s % 12 || 12, t, "0");
          d = n.meridiem || function (t, e, n) {
            var r = t < 12 ? "AM" : "PM";
            return n ? r.toLowerCase() : r;
          $ = {
            YY: String(this.$y).slice(-2),
            YYYY: O.s(this.$y, 4, "0"),
            M: a + 1,
            MM: O.s(a + 1, 2, "0"),
            MMM: h(n.monthsShort, a, f, 3),
            MMMM: h(f, a),
            D: this.$D,
            DD: O.s(this.$D, 2, "0"),
            d: String(this.$W),
            dd: h(n.weekdaysMin, this.$W, o, 2),
            ddd: h(n.weekdaysShort, this.$W, o, 3),
            dddd: o[this.$W],
            H: String(s),
            HH: O.s(s, 2, "0"),
            h: c(1),
            hh: c(2),
            a: d(s, u, !0),
            A: d(s, u, !1),
            m: String(u),
            mm: O.s(u, 2, "0"),
            s: String(this.$s),
            ss: O.s(this.$s, 2, "0"),
            SSS: O.s(this.$ms, 3, "0"),
            Z: i
        return r.replace(y, function (t, e) {
          return e || $[t] || i.replace(":", "");
      }, m.utcOffset = function () {
        return 15 * -Math.round(this.$d.getTimezoneOffset() / 15);
      }, m.diff = function (r, d, l) {
        var $,
          y = O.p(d),
          M = w(r),
          m = (M.utcOffset() - this.utcOffset()) * e,
          v = this - M,
          g = O.m(this, M);
        return g = ($ = {}, $[c] = g / 12, $[f] = g, $[h] = g / 3, $[o] = (v - m) / 6048e5, $[a] = (v - m) / 864e5, $[u] = v / n, $[s] = v / e, $[i] = v / t, $)[y] || v, l ? g : O.a(g);
      }, m.daysInMonth = function () {
        return this.endOf(f).$D;
      }, m.$locale = function () {
        return D[this.$L];
      }, m.locale = function (t, e) {
        if (!t) return this.$L;
        var n = this.clone(),
          r = S(t, e, !0);
        return r && (n.$L = r), n;
      }, m.clone = function () {
        return O.w(this.$d, this);
      }, m.toDate = function () {
        return new Date(this.valueOf());
      }, m.toJSON = function () {
        return this.isValid() ? this.toISOString() : null;
      }, m.toISOString = function () {
        return this.$d.toISOString();
      }, m.toString = function () {
        return this.$d.toUTCString();
      }, M;
    T = _.prototype;
  return w.prototype = T, [["$ms", r], ["$s", i], ["$m", s], ["$H", u], ["$W", a], ["$M", f], ["$y", c], ["$D", d]].forEach(function (t) {
    T[t[1]] = function (e) {
      return this.$g(e, t[0], t[1]);
  }), w.extend = function (t, e) {
    return t.$i || (t(e, _, w), t.$i = !0), w;
  }, w.locale = S, w.isDayjs = p, w.unix = function (t) {
    return w(1e3 * t);
  }, w.en = D[g], w.Ls = D, w.p = {}, w;

/***/ }),

/***/ "./node_modules/dayjs/plugin/quarterOfYear.js":
/***/ (function(module) {

!function (t, n) {
   true ? module.exports = n() : 0;
}(this, function () {
  "use strict";

  var t = "month",
    n = "quarter";
  return function (e, i) {
    var r = i.prototype;
    r.quarter = function (t) {
      return this.$utils().u(t) ? Math.ceil((this.month() + 1) / 3) : this.month(this.month() % 3 + 3 * (t - 1));
    var s = r.add;
    r.add = function (e, i) {
      return e = Number(e), this.$utils().p(i) === n ? this.add(3 * e, t) : s.bind(this)(e, i);
    var u = r.startOf;
    r.startOf = function (e, i) {
      var r = this.$utils(),
        s = !!r.u(i) || i;
      if (r.p(e) === n) {
        var o = this.quarter() - 1;
        return s ? this.month(3 * o).startOf(t).startOf("day") : this.month(3 * o + 2).endOf(t).endOf("day");
      return u.bind(this)(e, i);

/***/ }),

/***/ "./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js!./src/search.css":
/***/ ((module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   A: () => (__WEBPACK_DEFAULT_EXPORT__)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _node_modules_css_loader_dist_runtime_noSourceMaps_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__("./node_modules/css-loader/dist/runtime/noSourceMaps.js");
/* harmony import */ var _node_modules_css_loader_dist_runtime_noSourceMaps_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_node_modules_css_loader_dist_runtime_noSourceMaps_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
/* harmony import */ var _node_modules_css_loader_dist_runtime_api_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__("./node_modules/css-loader/dist/runtime/api.js");
/* harmony import */ var _node_modules_css_loader_dist_runtime_api_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_node_modules_css_loader_dist_runtime_api_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__);
// Imports

var ___CSS_LOADER_EXPORT___ = _node_modules_css_loader_dist_runtime_api_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1___default()((_node_modules_css_loader_dist_runtime_noSourceMaps_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default()));
// Module
___CSS_LOADER_EXPORT___.push([module.id, `.tapi-search-autocomplete {
    /*the container must be positioned relative:*/
    position: relative;
    display: inline-block;
    margin-right: 20px;
.tapi-search-autocomplete input {
    border: 1px solid transparent;
    background-color: #f1f1f1;
    /*padding: 10px;*/
    /*font-size: 16px;*/
.tapi-search-autocomplete input[type=text] {
    background-color: #f1f1f1;
    width: 100%;

.tapi-search-autocomplete-items {
    position: absolute;
    border: 1px solid #d4d4d4;
    border-bottom: none;
    border-top: none;
    z-index: 99;
    /*position the autocomplete items to be the same width as the container:*/
    top: 100%;
    left: 0;
    right: 0;
.tapi-search-autocomplete-items div {
    padding: 10px;
    cursor: pointer;
    background-color: #fff;
    border-bottom: 1px solid #d4d4d4;
    color: #000;
.tapi-search-autocomplete-items div p {
    margin: 0;
.tapi-search-autocomplete-items div:hover, .tapi-search-autocomplete-active {
    /*when hovering an item:*/
    background-color: #E7E6E6 !important;
`, ""]);
// Exports
/* harmony default export */ const __WEBPACK_DEFAULT_EXPORT__ = (___CSS_LOADER_EXPORT___);

/***/ }),

/***/ "./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js!./src/status.css":
/***/ ((module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   A: () => (__WEBPACK_DEFAULT_EXPORT__)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _node_modules_css_loader_dist_runtime_noSourceMaps_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__("./node_modules/css-loader/dist/runtime/noSourceMaps.js");
/* harmony import */ var _node_modules_css_loader_dist_runtime_noSourceMaps_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_node_modules_css_loader_dist_runtime_noSourceMaps_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
/* harmony import */ var _node_modules_css_loader_dist_runtime_api_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__("./node_modules/css-loader/dist/runtime/api.js");
/* harmony import */ var _node_modules_css_loader_dist_runtime_api_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_node_modules_css_loader_dist_runtime_api_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__);
// Imports

var ___CSS_LOADER_EXPORT___ = _node_modules_css_loader_dist_runtime_api_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1___default()((_node_modules_css_loader_dist_runtime_noSourceMaps_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default()));
// Module
___CSS_LOADER_EXPORT___.push([module.id, `.tapi-dropdown {
    position: relative;
    display: inline-block;

.tapi-dropdown-content {
    display: none;
    position: absolute;
    min-width: 200px;
    overflow: auto;
    box-shadow: 0px 8px 16px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.2);
    z-index: 1;
    color: #000;
    background-color: #fff;

.show {
    display: block;
`, ""]);
// Exports
/* harmony default export */ const __WEBPACK_DEFAULT_EXPORT__ = (___CSS_LOADER_EXPORT___);

/***/ }),

/***/ "./node_modules/style-loader/dist/runtime/injectStylesIntoStyleTag.js":
/***/ ((module) => {

"use strict";

var stylesInDOM = [];
function getIndexByIdentifier(identifier) {
  var result = -1;
  for (var i = 0; i < stylesInDOM.length; i++) {
    if (stylesInDOM[i].identifier === identifier) {
      result = i;
  return result;
function modulesToDom(list, options) {
  var idCountMap = {};
  var identifiers = [];
  for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
    var item = list[i];
    var id = options.base ? item[0] + options.base : item[0];
    var count = idCountMap[id] || 0;
    var identifier = "".concat(id, " ").concat(count);
    idCountMap[id] = count + 1;
    var indexByIdentifier = getIndexByIdentifier(identifier);
    var obj = {
      css: item[1],
      media: item[2],
      sourceMap: item[3],
      supports: item[4],
      layer: item[5]
    if (indexByIdentifier !== -1) {
    } else {
      var updater = addElementStyle(obj, options);
      options.byIndex = i;
      stylesInDOM.splice(i, 0, {
        identifier: identifier,
        updater: updater,
        references: 1
  return identifiers;
function addElementStyle(obj, options) {
  var api = options.domAPI(options);
  var updater = function updater(newObj) {
    if (newObj) {
      if (newObj.css === obj.css && newObj.media === obj.media && newObj.sourceMap === obj.sourceMap && newObj.supports === obj.supports && newObj.layer === obj.layer) {
      api.update(obj = newObj);
    } else {
  return updater;
module.exports = function (list, options) {
  options = options || {};
  list = list || [];
  var lastIdentifiers = modulesToDom(list, options);
  return function update(newList) {
    newList = newList || [];
    for (var i = 0; i < lastIdentifiers.length; i++) {
      var identifier = lastIdentifiers[i];
      var index = getIndexByIdentifier(identifier);
    var newLastIdentifiers = modulesToDom(newList, options);
    for (var _i = 0; _i < lastIdentifiers.length; _i++) {
      var _identifier = lastIdentifiers[_i];
      var _index = getIndexByIdentifier(_identifier);
      if (stylesInDOM[_index].references === 0) {
        stylesInDOM.splice(_index, 1);
    lastIdentifiers = newLastIdentifiers;

/***/ }),

/***/ "./node_modules/style-loader/dist/runtime/insertBySelector.js":
/***/ ((module) => {

"use strict";

var memo = {};

/* istanbul ignore next  */
function getTarget(target) {
  if (typeof memo[target] === "undefined") {
    var styleTarget = document.querySelector(target);

    // Special case to return head of iframe instead of iframe itself
    if (window.HTMLIFrameElement && styleTarget instanceof window.HTMLIFrameElement) {
      try {
        // This will throw an exception if access to iframe is blocked
        // due to cross-origin restrictions
        styleTarget = styleTarget.contentDocument.head;
      } catch (e) {
        // istanbul ignore next
        styleTarget = null;
    memo[target] = styleTarget;
  return memo[target];

/* istanbul ignore next  */
function insertBySelector(insert, style) {
  var target = getTarget(insert);
  if (!target) {
    throw new Error("Couldn't find a style target. This probably means that the value for the 'insert' parameter is invalid.");
module.exports = insertBySelector;

/***/ }),

/***/ "./node_modules/style-loader/dist/runtime/insertStyleElement.js":
/***/ ((module) => {

"use strict";

/* istanbul ignore next  */
function insertStyleElement(options) {
  var element = document.createElement("style");
  options.setAttributes(element, options.attributes);
  options.insert(element, options.options);
  return element;
module.exports = insertStyleElement;

/***/ }),

/***/ "./node_modules/style-loader/dist/runtime/setAttributesWithoutAttributes.js":
/***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";

/* istanbul ignore next  */
function setAttributesWithoutAttributes(styleElement) {
  var nonce =  true ? __webpack_require__.nc : 0;
  if (nonce) {
    styleElement.setAttribute("nonce", nonce);
module.exports = setAttributesWithoutAttributes;

/***/ }),

/***/ "./node_modules/style-loader/dist/runtime/styleDomAPI.js":
/***/ ((module) => {

"use strict";

/* istanbul ignore next  */
function apply(styleElement, options, obj) {
  var css = "";
  if (obj.supports) {
    css += "@supports (".concat(obj.supports, ") {");
  if (obj.media) {
    css += "@media ".concat(obj.media, " {");
  var needLayer = typeof obj.layer !== "undefined";
  if (needLayer) {
    css += "@layer".concat(obj.layer.length > 0 ? " ".concat(obj.layer) : "", " {");
  css += obj.css;
  if (needLayer) {
    css += "}";
  if (obj.media) {
    css += "}";
  if (obj.supports) {
    css += "}";
  var sourceMap = obj.sourceMap;
  if (sourceMap && typeof btoa !== "undefined") {
    css += "\n/*# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;base64,".concat(btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(sourceMap)))), " */");

  // For old IE
  /* istanbul ignore if  */
  options.styleTagTransform(css, styleElement, options.options);
function removeStyleElement(styleElement) {
  // istanbul ignore if
  if (styleElement.parentNode === null) {
    return false;

/* istanbul ignore next  */
function domAPI(options) {
  if (typeof document === "undefined") {
    return {
      update: function update() {},
      remove: function remove() {}
  var styleElement = options.insertStyleElement(options);
  return {
    update: function update(obj) {
      apply(styleElement, options, obj);
    remove: function remove() {
module.exports = domAPI;

/***/ }),

/***/ "./node_modules/style-loader/dist/runtime/styleTagTransform.js":
/***/ ((module) => {

"use strict";

/* istanbul ignore next  */
function styleTagTransform(css, styleElement) {
  if (styleElement.styleSheet) {
    styleElement.styleSheet.cssText = css;
  } else {
    while (styleElement.firstChild) {
module.exports = styleTagTransform;

/***/ })

/******/ 	});
/******/ 	// The module cache
/******/ 	var __webpack_module_cache__ = {};
/******/ 	// The require function
/******/ 	function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
/******/ 		// Check if module is in cache
/******/ 		var cachedModule = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId];
/******/ 		if (cachedModule !== undefined) {
/******/ 			return cachedModule.exports;
/******/ 		}
/******/ 		// Create a new module (and put it into the cache)
/******/ 		var module = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId] = {
/******/ 			id: moduleId,
/******/ 			// no module.loaded needed
/******/ 			exports: {}
/******/ 		};
/******/ 		// Execute the module function
/******/ 		__webpack_modules__[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);
/******/ 		// Return the exports of the module
/******/ 		return module.exports;
/******/ 	}
/******/ 	/* webpack/runtime/compat get default export */
/******/ 	(() => {
/******/ 		// getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules
/******/ 		__webpack_require__.n = (module) => {
/******/ 			var getter = module && module.__esModule ?
/******/ 				() => (module['default']) :
/******/ 				() => (module);
/******/ 			__webpack_require__.d(getter, { a: getter });
/******/ 			return getter;
/******/ 		};
/******/ 	})();
/******/ 	/* webpack/runtime/define property getters */
/******/ 	(() => {
/******/ 		// define getter functions for harmony exports
/******/ 		__webpack_require__.d = (exports, definition) => {
/******/ 			for(var key in definition) {
/******/ 				if(__webpack_require__.o(definition, key) && !__webpack_require__.o(exports, key)) {
/******/ 					Object.defineProperty(exports, key, { enumerable: true, get: definition[key] });
/******/ 				}
/******/ 			}
/******/ 		};
/******/ 	})();
/******/ 	/* webpack/runtime/hasOwnProperty shorthand */
/******/ 	(() => {
/******/ 		__webpack_require__.o = (obj, prop) => (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, prop))
/******/ 	})();
/******/ 	/* webpack/runtime/nonce */
/******/ 	(() => {
/******/ 		__webpack_require__.nc = undefined;
/******/ 	})();
var __webpack_exports__ = {};
// This entry need to be wrapped in an IIFE because it need to be in strict mode.
(() => {
"use strict";

// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/dayjs/plugin/quarterOfYear.js
var quarterOfYear = __webpack_require__("./node_modules/dayjs/plugin/quarterOfYear.js");
// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/dayjs/dayjs.min.js
var dayjs_min = __webpack_require__("./node_modules/dayjs/dayjs.min.js");
;// ./node_modules/chrono-node/dist/esm/types.js
var types_Meridiem;
(function (Meridiem) {
  Meridiem[Meridiem["AM"] = 0] = "AM";
  Meridiem[Meridiem["PM"] = 1] = "PM";
})(types_Meridiem || (types_Meridiem = {}));
var Weekday;
(function (Weekday) {
  Weekday[Weekday["SUNDAY"] = 0] = "SUNDAY";
  Weekday[Weekday["MONDAY"] = 1] = "MONDAY";
  Weekday[Weekday["TUESDAY"] = 2] = "TUESDAY";
  Weekday[Weekday["WEDNESDAY"] = 3] = "WEDNESDAY";
  Weekday[Weekday["THURSDAY"] = 4] = "THURSDAY";
  Weekday[Weekday["FRIDAY"] = 5] = "FRIDAY";
  Weekday[Weekday["SATURDAY"] = 6] = "SATURDAY";
})(Weekday || (Weekday = {}));
var Month;
(function (Month) {
  Month[Month["JANUARY"] = 1] = "JANUARY";
  Month[Month["FEBRUARY"] = 2] = "FEBRUARY";
  Month[Month["MARCH"] = 3] = "MARCH";
  Month[Month["APRIL"] = 4] = "APRIL";
  Month[Month["MAY"] = 5] = "MAY";
  Month[Month["JUNE"] = 6] = "JUNE";
  Month[Month["JULY"] = 7] = "JULY";
  Month[Month["AUGUST"] = 8] = "AUGUST";
  Month[Month["SEPTEMBER"] = 9] = "SEPTEMBER";
  Month[Month["OCTOBER"] = 10] = "OCTOBER";
  Month[Month["NOVEMBER"] = 11] = "NOVEMBER";
  Month[Month["DECEMBER"] = 12] = "DECEMBER";
})(Month || (Month = {}));
;// ./node_modules/chrono-node/dist/esm/utils/dayjs.js

function assignTheNextDay(component, targetDayJs) {
  targetDayJs = targetDayJs.add(1, "day");
  dayjs_assignSimilarDate(component, targetDayJs);
  implySimilarTime(component, targetDayJs);
function implyTheNextDay(component, targetDayJs) {
  targetDayJs = targetDayJs.add(1, "day");
  implySimilarDate(component, targetDayJs);
  implySimilarTime(component, targetDayJs);
function dayjs_assignSimilarDate(component, targetDayJs) {
  component.assign("day", targetDayJs.date());
  component.assign("month", targetDayJs.month() + 1);
  component.assign("year", targetDayJs.year());
function assignSimilarTime(component, targetDayJs) {
  component.assign("hour", targetDayJs.hour());
  component.assign("minute", targetDayJs.minute());
  component.assign("second", targetDayJs.second());
  component.assign("millisecond", targetDayJs.millisecond());
  if (component.get("hour") < 12) {
    component.assign("meridiem", types_Meridiem.AM);
  } else {
    component.assign("meridiem", types_Meridiem.PM);
function implySimilarDate(component, targetDayJs) {
  component.imply("day", targetDayJs.date());
  component.imply("month", targetDayJs.month() + 1);
  component.imply("year", targetDayJs.year());
function implySimilarTime(component, targetDayJs) {
  component.imply("hour", targetDayJs.hour());
  component.imply("minute", targetDayJs.minute());
  component.imply("second", targetDayJs.second());
  component.imply("millisecond", targetDayJs.millisecond());
;// ./node_modules/chrono-node/dist/esm/timezone.js

  ACDT: 630,
  ACST: 570,
  ADT: -180,
  AEDT: 660,
  AEST: 600,
  AFT: 270,
  AKDT: -480,
  AKST: -540,
  ALMT: 360,
  AMST: -180,
  AMT: -240,
  ANAST: 720,
  ANAT: 720,
  AQTT: 300,
  ART: -180,
  AST: -240,
  AWDT: 540,
  AWST: 480,
  AZOST: 0,
  AZOT: -60,
  AZST: 300,
  AZT: 240,
  BNT: 480,
  BOT: -240,
  BRST: -120,
  BRT: -180,
  BST: 60,
  BTT: 360,
  CAST: 480,
  CAT: 120,
  CCT: 390,
  CDT: -300,
  CEST: 120,
  CET: {
    timezoneOffsetDuringDst: 2 * 60,
    timezoneOffsetNonDst: 60,
    dstStart: year => getLastWeekdayOfMonth(year, Month.MARCH, Weekday.SUNDAY, 2),
    dstEnd: year => getLastWeekdayOfMonth(year, Month.OCTOBER, Weekday.SUNDAY, 3)
  CHADT: 825,
  CHAST: 765,
  CKT: -600,
  CLST: -180,
  CLT: -240,
  COT: -300,
  CST: -360,
  CT: {
    timezoneOffsetDuringDst: -5 * 60,
    timezoneOffsetNonDst: -6 * 60,
    dstStart: year => getNthWeekdayOfMonth(year, Month.MARCH, Weekday.SUNDAY, 2, 2),
    dstEnd: year => getNthWeekdayOfMonth(year, Month.NOVEMBER, Weekday.SUNDAY, 1, 2)
  CVT: -60,
  CXT: 420,
  ChST: 600,
  DAVT: 420,
  EASST: -300,
  EAST: -360,
  EAT: 180,
  ECT: -300,
  EDT: -240,
  EEST: 180,
  EET: 120,
  EGST: 0,
  EGT: -60,
  EST: -300,
  ET: {
    timezoneOffsetDuringDst: -4 * 60,
    timezoneOffsetNonDst: -5 * 60,
    dstStart: year => getNthWeekdayOfMonth(year, Month.MARCH, Weekday.SUNDAY, 2, 2),
    dstEnd: year => getNthWeekdayOfMonth(year, Month.NOVEMBER, Weekday.SUNDAY, 1, 2)
  FJST: 780,
  FJT: 720,
  FKST: -180,
  FKT: -240,
  FNT: -120,
  GALT: -360,
  GAMT: -540,
  GET: 240,
  GFT: -180,
  GILT: 720,
  GMT: 0,
  GST: 240,
  GYT: -240,
  HAA: -180,
  HAC: -300,
  HADT: -540,
  HAE: -240,
  HAP: -420,
  HAR: -360,
  HAST: -600,
  HAT: -90,
  HAY: -480,
  HKT: 480,
  HLV: -210,
  HNA: -240,
  HNC: -360,
  HNE: -300,
  HNP: -480,
  HNR: -420,
  HNT: -150,
  HNY: -540,
  HOVT: 420,
  ICT: 420,
  IDT: 180,
  IOT: 360,
  IRDT: 270,
  IRKST: 540,
  IRKT: 540,
  IRST: 210,
  IST: 330,
  JST: 540,
  KGT: 360,
  KRAST: 480,
  KRAT: 480,
  KST: 540,
  KUYT: 240,
  LHDT: 660,
  LHST: 630,
  LINT: 840,
  MAGST: 720,
  MAGT: 720,
  MART: -510,
  MAWT: 300,
  MDT: -360,
  MESZ: 120,
  MEZ: 60,
  MHT: 720,
  MMT: 390,
  MSD: 240,
  MSK: 180,
  MST: -420,
  MT: {
    timezoneOffsetDuringDst: -6 * 60,
    timezoneOffsetNonDst: -7 * 60,
    dstStart: year => getNthWeekdayOfMonth(year, Month.MARCH, Weekday.SUNDAY, 2, 2),
    dstEnd: year => getNthWeekdayOfMonth(year, Month.NOVEMBER, Weekday.SUNDAY, 1, 2)
  MUT: 240,
  MVT: 300,
  MYT: 480,
  NCT: 660,
  NDT: -90,
  NFT: 690,
  NOVST: 420,
  NOVT: 360,
  NPT: 345,
  NST: -150,
  NUT: -660,
  NZDT: 780,
  NZST: 720,
  OMSST: 420,
  OMST: 420,
  PDT: -420,
  PET: -300,
  PETST: 720,
  PETT: 720,
  PGT: 600,
  PHOT: 780,
  PHT: 480,
  PKT: 300,
  PMDT: -120,
  PMST: -180,
  PONT: 660,
  PST: -480,
  PT: {
    timezoneOffsetDuringDst: -7 * 60,
    timezoneOffsetNonDst: -8 * 60,
    dstStart: year => getNthWeekdayOfMonth(year, Month.MARCH, Weekday.SUNDAY, 2, 2),
    dstEnd: year => getNthWeekdayOfMonth(year, Month.NOVEMBER, Weekday.SUNDAY, 1, 2)
  PWT: 540,
  PYST: -180,
  PYT: -240,
  RET: 240,
  SAMT: 240,
  SAST: 120,
  SBT: 660,
  SCT: 240,
  SGT: 480,
  SRT: -180,
  SST: -660,
  TAHT: -600,
  TFT: 300,
  TJT: 300,
  TKT: 780,
  TLT: 540,
  TMT: 300,
  TVT: 720,
  ULAT: 480,
  UTC: 0,
  UYST: -120,
  UYT: -180,
  UZT: 300,
  VET: -210,
  VLAST: 660,
  VLAT: 660,
  VUT: 660,
  WAST: 120,
  WAT: 60,
  WEST: 60,
  WESZ: 60,
  WET: 0,
  WEZ: 0,
  WFT: 720,
  WGST: -120,
  WGT: -180,
  WIB: 420,
  WIT: 540,
  WITA: 480,
  WST: 780,
  WT: 0,
  YAKST: 600,
  YAKT: 600,
  YAPT: 600,
  YEKST: 360,
  YEKT: 360
function getNthWeekdayOfMonth(year, month, weekday, n, hour = 0) {
  let dayOfMonth = 0;
  let i = 0;
  while (i < n) {
    const date = new Date(year, month - 1, dayOfMonth);
    if (date.getDay() === weekday) i++;
  return new Date(year, month - 1, dayOfMonth, hour);
function getLastWeekdayOfMonth(year, month, weekday, hour = 0) {
  const oneIndexedWeekday = weekday === 0 ? 7 : weekday;
  const date = new Date(year, month - 1 + 1, 1, 12);
  const firstWeekdayNextMonth = date.getDay() === 0 ? 7 : date.getDay();
  let dayDiff;
  if (firstWeekdayNextMonth === oneIndexedWeekday) dayDiff = 7;else if (firstWeekdayNextMonth < oneIndexedWeekday) dayDiff = 7 + firstWeekdayNextMonth - oneIndexedWeekday;else dayDiff = firstWeekdayNextMonth - oneIndexedWeekday;
  date.setDate(date.getDate() - dayDiff);
  return new Date(year, month - 1, date.getDate(), hour);
function toTimezoneOffset(timezoneInput, date, timezoneOverrides = {}) {
  if (timezoneInput == null) {
    return null;
  if (typeof timezoneInput === "number") {
    return timezoneInput;
  const matchedTimezone = timezoneOverrides[timezoneInput] ?? TIMEZONE_ABBR_MAP[timezoneInput];
  if (matchedTimezone == null) {
    return null;
  if (typeof matchedTimezone == "number") {
    return matchedTimezone;
  if (date == null) {
    return null;
  if (dayjs_min(date).isAfter(matchedTimezone.dstStart(date.getFullYear())) && !dayjs_min(date).isAfter(matchedTimezone.dstEnd(date.getFullYear()))) {
    return matchedTimezone.timezoneOffsetDuringDst;
  return matchedTimezone.timezoneOffsetNonDst;
;// ./node_modules/chrono-node/dist/esm/results.js

class ReferenceWithTimezone {
  constructor(input) {
    input = input ?? new Date();
    if (input instanceof Date) {
      this.instant = input;
    } else {
      this.instant = input.instant ?? new Date();
      this.timezoneOffset = toTimezoneOffset(input.timezone, this.instant);
  getDateWithAdjustedTimezone() {
    return new Date(this.instant.getTime() + this.getSystemTimezoneAdjustmentMinute(this.instant) * 60000);
  getSystemTimezoneAdjustmentMinute(date, overrideTimezoneOffset) {
    if (!date || date.getTime() < 0) {
      date = new Date();
    const currentTimezoneOffset = -date.getTimezoneOffset();
    const targetTimezoneOffset = overrideTimezoneOffset ?? this.timezoneOffset ?? currentTimezoneOffset;
    return currentTimezoneOffset - targetTimezoneOffset;
class results_ParsingComponents {
  constructor(reference, knownComponents) {
    this._tags = new Set();
    this.reference = reference;
    this.knownValues = {};
    this.impliedValues = {};
    if (knownComponents) {
      for (const key in knownComponents) {
        this.knownValues[key] = knownComponents[key];
    const refDayJs = dayjs_min(reference.instant);
    this.imply("day", refDayJs.date());
    this.imply("month", refDayJs.month() + 1);
    this.imply("year", refDayJs.year());
    this.imply("hour", 12);
    this.imply("minute", 0);
    this.imply("second", 0);
    this.imply("millisecond", 0);
  get(component) {
    if (component in this.knownValues) {
      return this.knownValues[component];
    if (component in this.impliedValues) {
      return this.impliedValues[component];
    return null;
  isCertain(component) {
    return component in this.knownValues;
  getCertainComponents() {
    return Object.keys(this.knownValues);
  imply(component, value) {
    if (component in this.knownValues) {
      return this;
    this.impliedValues[component] = value;
    return this;
  assign(component, value) {
    this.knownValues[component] = value;
    delete this.impliedValues[component];
    return this;
  delete(component) {
    delete this.knownValues[component];
    delete this.impliedValues[component];
  clone() {
    const component = new results_ParsingComponents(this.reference);
    component.knownValues = {};
    component.impliedValues = {};
    for (const key in this.knownValues) {
      component.knownValues[key] = this.knownValues[key];
    for (const key in this.impliedValues) {
      component.impliedValues[key] = this.impliedValues[key];
    return component;
  isOnlyDate() {
    return !this.isCertain("hour") && !this.isCertain("minute") && !this.isCertain("second");
  isOnlyTime() {
    return !this.isCertain("weekday") && !this.isCertain("day") && !this.isCertain("month") && !this.isCertain("year");
  isOnlyWeekdayComponent() {
    return this.isCertain("weekday") && !this.isCertain("day") && !this.isCertain("month");
  isDateWithUnknownYear() {
    return this.isCertain("month") && !this.isCertain("year");
  isValidDate() {
    const date = this.dateWithoutTimezoneAdjustment();
    if (date.getFullYear() !== this.get("year")) return false;
    if (date.getMonth() !== this.get("month") - 1) return false;
    if (date.getDate() !== this.get("day")) return false;
    if (this.get("hour") != null && date.getHours() != this.get("hour")) return false;
    if (this.get("minute") != null && date.getMinutes() != this.get("minute")) return false;
    return true;
  toString() {
    return `[ParsingComponents {
            tags: ${JSON.stringify(Array.from(this._tags).sort())}, 
            knownValues: ${JSON.stringify(this.knownValues)}, 
            impliedValues: ${JSON.stringify(this.impliedValues)}}, 
            reference: ${JSON.stringify(this.reference)}]`;
  dayjs() {
    return dayjs_min(this.date());
  date() {
    const date = this.dateWithoutTimezoneAdjustment();
    const timezoneAdjustment = this.reference.getSystemTimezoneAdjustmentMinute(date, this.get("timezoneOffset"));
    return new Date(date.getTime() + timezoneAdjustment * 60000);
  addTag(tag) {
    return this;
  addTags(tags) {
    for (const tag of tags) {
    return this;
  tags() {
    return new Set(this._tags);
  dateWithoutTimezoneAdjustment() {
    const date = new Date(this.get("year"), this.get("month") - 1, this.get("day"), this.get("hour"), this.get("minute"), this.get("second"), this.get("millisecond"));
    return date;
  static createRelativeFromReference(reference, fragments) {
    let date = dayjs_min(reference.instant);
    for (const key in fragments) {
      date = date.add(fragments[key], key);
    const components = new results_ParsingComponents(reference);
    if (fragments["hour"] || fragments["minute"] || fragments["second"]) {
      assignSimilarTime(components, date);
      dayjs_assignSimilarDate(components, date);
      if (reference.timezoneOffset !== null) {
        components.assign("timezoneOffset", -reference.instant.getTimezoneOffset());
    } else {
      implySimilarTime(components, date);
      if (reference.timezoneOffset !== null) {
        components.imply("timezoneOffset", -reference.instant.getTimezoneOffset());
      if (fragments["d"]) {
        components.assign("day", date.date());
        components.assign("month", date.month() + 1);
        components.assign("year", date.year());
      } else if (fragments["week"]) {
        components.assign("day", date.date());
        components.assign("month", date.month() + 1);
        components.assign("year", date.year());
        components.imply("weekday", date.day());
      } else {
        components.imply("day", date.date());
        if (fragments["month"]) {
          components.assign("month", date.month() + 1);
          components.assign("year", date.year());
        } else {
          components.imply("month", date.month() + 1);
          if (fragments["year"]) {
            components.assign("year", date.year());
          } else {
            components.imply("year", date.year());
    return components;
class ParsingResult {
  constructor(reference, index, text, start, end) {
    this.reference = reference;
    this.refDate = reference.instant;
    this.index = index;
    this.text = text;
    this.start = start || new results_ParsingComponents(reference);
    this.end = end;
  clone() {
    const result = new ParsingResult(this.reference, this.index, this.text);
    result.start = this.start ? this.start.clone() : null;
    result.end = this.end ? this.end.clone() : null;
    return result;
  date() {
    return this.start.date();
  tags() {
    const combinedTags = new Set(this.start.tags());
    if (this.end) {
      for (const tag of this.end.tags()) {
    return combinedTags;
  toString() {
    const tags = Array.from(this.tags()).sort();
    return `[ParsingResult {index: ${this.index}, text: '${this.text}', tags: ${JSON.stringify(tags)} ...}]`;
;// ./node_modules/chrono-node/dist/esm/utils/pattern.js
function repeatedTimeunitPattern(prefix, singleTimeunitPattern, connectorPattern = "\\s{0,5},?\\s{0,5}") {
  const singleTimeunitPatternNoCapture = singleTimeunitPattern.replace(/\((?!\?)/g, "(?:");
  return `${prefix}${singleTimeunitPatternNoCapture}(?:${connectorPattern}${singleTimeunitPatternNoCapture}){0,10}`;
function extractTerms(dictionary) {
  let keys;
  if (dictionary instanceof Array) {
    keys = [...dictionary];
  } else if (dictionary instanceof Map) {
    keys = Array.from(dictionary.keys());
  } else {
    keys = Object.keys(dictionary);
  return keys;
function matchAnyPattern(dictionary) {
  const joinedTerms = extractTerms(dictionary).sort((a, b) => b.length - a.length).join("|").replace(/\./g, "\\.");
  return `(?:${joinedTerms})`;
;// ./node_modules/chrono-node/dist/esm/calculation/years.js

function findMostLikelyADYear(yearNumber) {
  if (yearNumber < 100) {
    if (yearNumber > 50) {
      yearNumber = yearNumber + 1900;
    } else {
      yearNumber = yearNumber + 2000;
  return yearNumber;
function findYearClosestToRef(refDate, day, month) {
  const refMoment = dayjs_min(refDate);
  let dateMoment = refMoment;
  dateMoment = dateMoment.month(month - 1);
  dateMoment = dateMoment.date(day);
  dateMoment = dateMoment.year(refMoment.year());
  const nextYear = dateMoment.add(1, "y");
  const lastYear = dateMoment.add(-1, "y");
  if (Math.abs(nextYear.diff(refMoment)) < Math.abs(dateMoment.diff(refMoment))) {
    dateMoment = nextYear;
  } else if (Math.abs(lastYear.diff(refMoment)) < Math.abs(dateMoment.diff(refMoment))) {
    dateMoment = lastYear;
  return dateMoment.year();
;// ./node_modules/chrono-node/dist/esm/locales/en/constants.js

  sunday: 0,
  sun: 0,
  "sun.": 0,
  monday: 1,
  mon: 1,
  "mon.": 1,
  tuesday: 2,
  tue: 2,
  "tue.": 2,
  wednesday: 3,
  wed: 3,
  "wed.": 3,
  thursday: 4,
  thurs: 4,
  "thurs.": 4,
  thur: 4,
  "thur.": 4,
  thu: 4,
  "thu.": 4,
  friday: 5,
  fri: 5,
  "fri.": 5,
  saturday: 6,
  sat: 6,
  "sat.": 6
  january: 1,
  february: 2,
  march: 3,
  april: 4,
  may: 5,
  june: 6,
  july: 7,
  august: 8,
  september: 9,
  october: 10,
  november: 11,
  december: 12
  jan: 1,
  "jan.": 1,
  feb: 2,
  "feb.": 2,
  mar: 3,
  "mar.": 3,
  apr: 4,
  "apr.": 4,
  jun: 6,
  "jun.": 6,
  jul: 7,
  "jul.": 7,
  aug: 8,
  "aug.": 8,
  sep: 9,
  "sep.": 9,
  sept: 9,
  "sept.": 9,
  oct: 10,
  "oct.": 10,
  nov: 11,
  "nov.": 11,
  dec: 12,
  "dec.": 12
  one: 1,
  two: 2,
  three: 3,
  four: 4,
  five: 5,
  six: 6,
  seven: 7,
  eight: 8,
  nine: 9,
  ten: 10,
  eleven: 11,
  twelve: 12
  first: 1,
  second: 2,
  third: 3,
  fourth: 4,
  fifth: 5,
  sixth: 6,
  seventh: 7,
  eighth: 8,
  ninth: 9,
  tenth: 10,
  eleventh: 11,
  twelfth: 12,
  thirteenth: 13,
  fourteenth: 14,
  fifteenth: 15,
  sixteenth: 16,
  seventeenth: 17,
  eighteenth: 18,
  nineteenth: 19,
  twentieth: 20,
  "twenty first": 21,
  "twenty-first": 21,
  "twenty second": 22,
  "twenty-second": 22,
  "twenty third": 23,
  "twenty-third": 23,
  "twenty fourth": 24,
  "twenty-fourth": 24,
  "twenty fifth": 25,
  "twenty-fifth": 25,
  "twenty sixth": 26,
  "twenty-sixth": 26,
  "twenty seventh": 27,
  "twenty-seventh": 27,
  "twenty eighth": 28,
  "twenty-eighth": 28,
  "twenty ninth": 29,
  "twenty-ninth": 29,
  "thirtieth": 30,
  "thirty first": 31,
  "thirty-first": 31
  second: "second",
  seconds: "second",
  minute: "minute",
  minutes: "minute",
  hour: "hour",
  hours: "hour",
  day: "d",
  days: "d",
  week: "week",
  weeks: "week",
  month: "month",
  months: "month",
  quarter: "quarter",
  quarters: "quarter",
  year: "year",
  years: "year"
  s: "second",
  sec: "second",
  second: "second",
  seconds: "second",
  m: "minute",
  min: "minute",
  mins: "minute",
  minute: "minute",
  minutes: "minute",
  h: "hour",
  hr: "hour",
  hrs: "hour",
  hour: "hour",
  hours: "hour",
  d: "d",
  day: "d",
  days: "d",
  w: "w",
  week: "week",
  weeks: "week",
  mo: "month",
  mon: "month",
  mos: "month",
  month: "month",
  months: "month",
  qtr: "quarter",
  quarter: "quarter",
  quarters: "quarter",
  y: "year",
  yr: "year",
  year: "year",
  years: "year",
const NUMBER_PATTERN = `(?:${matchAnyPattern(INTEGER_WORD_DICTIONARY)}|[0-9]+|[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+|half(?:\\s{0,2}an?)?|an?\\b(?:\\s{0,2}few)?|few|several|the|a?\\s{0,2}couple\\s{0,2}(?:of)?)`;
function parseNumberPattern(match) {
  const num = match.toLowerCase();
  if (INTEGER_WORD_DICTIONARY[num] !== undefined) {
  } else if (num === "a" || num === "an" || num == "the") {
    return 1;
  } else if (num.match(/few/)) {
    return 3;
  } else if (num.match(/half/)) {
    return 0.5;
  } else if (num.match(/couple/)) {
    return 2;
  } else if (num.match(/several/)) {
    return 7;
  return parseFloat(num);
const ORDINAL_NUMBER_PATTERN = `(?:${matchAnyPattern(ORDINAL_WORD_DICTIONARY)}|[0-9]{1,2}(?:st|nd|rd|th)?)`;
function parseOrdinalNumberPattern(match) {
  let num = match.toLowerCase();
  if (ORDINAL_WORD_DICTIONARY[num] !== undefined) {
  num = num.replace(/(?:st|nd|rd|th)$/i, "");
  return parseInt(num);
const YEAR_PATTERN = `(?:[1-9][0-9]{0,3}\\s{0,2}(?:BE|AD|BC|BCE|CE)|[1-2][0-9]{3}|[5-9][0-9]|2[0-5])`;
function parseYear(match) {
  if (/BE/i.test(match)) {
    match = match.replace(/BE/i, "");
    return parseInt(match) - 543;
  if (/BCE?/i.test(match)) {
    match = match.replace(/BCE?/i, "");
    return -parseInt(match);
  if (/(AD|CE)/i.test(match)) {
    match = match.replace(/(AD|CE)/i, "");
    return parseInt(match);
  const rawYearNumber = parseInt(match);
  return findMostLikelyADYear(rawYearNumber);
const TIME_UNIT_CONNECTOR_PATTERN = `\\s{0,5},?(?:\\s*and)?\\s{0,5}`;
const TIME_UNITS_PATTERN = repeatedTimeunitPattern(`(?:(?:about|around)\\s{0,3})?`, SINGLE_TIME_UNIT_PATTERN, TIME_UNIT_CONNECTOR_PATTERN);
const TIME_UNITS_NO_ABBR_PATTERN = repeatedTimeunitPattern(`(?:(?:about|around)\\s{0,3})?`, SINGLE_TIME_UNIT_NO_ABBR_PATTERN, TIME_UNIT_CONNECTOR_PATTERN);
function parseTimeUnits(timeunitText) {
  const fragments = {};
  let remainingText = timeunitText;
  let match = SINGLE_TIME_UNIT_REGEX.exec(remainingText);
  while (match) {
    collectDateTimeFragment(fragments, match);
    remainingText = remainingText.substring(match[0].length).trim();
    match = SINGLE_TIME_UNIT_REGEX.exec(remainingText);
  if (Object.keys(fragments).length == 0) {
    return null;
  return fragments;
function collectDateTimeFragment(fragments, match) {
  if (match[0].match(/^[a-zA-Z]+$/)) {
  const num = parseNumberPattern(match[1]);
  const unit = TIME_UNIT_DICTIONARY[match[2].toLowerCase()];
  fragments[unit] = num;
;// ./node_modules/chrono-node/dist/esm/common/parsers/AbstractParserWithWordBoundary.js
class AbstractParserWithWordBoundaryChecking {
  constructor() {
    this.cachedInnerPattern = null;
    this.cachedPattern = null;
  innerPatternHasChange(context, currentInnerPattern) {
    return this.innerPattern(context) !== currentInnerPattern;
  patternLeftBoundary() {
    return `(\\W|^)`;
  pattern(context) {
    if (this.cachedInnerPattern) {
      if (!this.innerPatternHasChange(context, this.cachedInnerPattern)) {
        return this.cachedPattern;
    this.cachedInnerPattern = this.innerPattern(context);
    this.cachedPattern = new RegExp(`${this.patternLeftBoundary()}${this.cachedInnerPattern.source}`, this.cachedInnerPattern.flags);
    return this.cachedPattern;
  extract(context, match) {
    const header = match[1] ?? "";
    match.index = match.index + header.length;
    match[0] = match[0].substring(header.length);
    for (let i = 2; i < match.length; i++) {
      match[i - 1] = match[i];
    return this.innerExtract(context, match);
;// ./node_modules/chrono-node/dist/esm/locales/en/parsers/ENTimeUnitWithinFormatParser.js

const PATTERN_WITH_OPTIONAL_PREFIX = new RegExp(`(?:(?:within|in|for)\\s*)?` + `(?:(?:about|around|roughly|approximately|just)\\s*(?:~\\s*)?)?(${TIME_UNITS_PATTERN})(?=\\W|$)`, "i");
const PATTERN_WITH_PREFIX = new RegExp(`(?:within|in|for)\\s*` + `(?:(?:about|around|roughly|approximately|just)\\s*(?:~\\s*)?)?(${TIME_UNITS_PATTERN})(?=\\W|$)`, "i");
const PATTERN_WITH_PREFIX_STRICT = new RegExp(`(?:within|in|for)\\s*` + `(?:(?:about|around|roughly|approximately|just)\\s*(?:~\\s*)?)?(${TIME_UNITS_NO_ABBR_PATTERN})(?=\\W|$)`, "i");
class ENTimeUnitWithinFormatParser extends AbstractParserWithWordBoundaryChecking {
  constructor(strictMode) {
    this.strictMode = strictMode;
  innerPattern(context) {
    if (this.strictMode) {
    return context.option.forwardDate ? PATTERN_WITH_OPTIONAL_PREFIX : PATTERN_WITH_PREFIX;
  innerExtract(context, match) {
    if (match[0].match(/^for\s*the\s*\w+/)) {
      return null;
    const timeUnits = parseTimeUnits(match[1]);
    if (!timeUnits) {
      return null;
    return results_ParsingComponents.createRelativeFromReference(context.reference, timeUnits);
;// ./node_modules/chrono-node/dist/esm/locales/en/parsers/ENMonthNameLittleEndianParser.js

const PATTERN = new RegExp(`(?:on\\s{0,3})?` + `(${ORDINAL_NUMBER_PATTERN})` + `(?:` + `\\s{0,3}(?:to|\\-|\\–|until|through|till)?\\s{0,3}` + `(${ORDINAL_NUMBER_PATTERN})` + ")?" + `(?:-|/|\\s{0,3}(?:of)?\\s{0,3})` + `(${matchAnyPattern(MONTH_DICTIONARY)})` + "(?:" + `(?:-|/|,?\\s{0,3})` + `(${YEAR_PATTERN}(?!\\w))` + ")?" + "(?=\\W|$)", "i");
const DATE_GROUP = 1;
const DATE_TO_GROUP = 2;
const YEAR_GROUP = 4;
class ENMonthNameLittleEndianParser extends AbstractParserWithWordBoundaryChecking {
  innerPattern() {
    return PATTERN;
  innerExtract(context, match) {
    const result = context.createParsingResult(match.index, match[0]);
    const month = MONTH_DICTIONARY[match[MONTH_NAME_GROUP].toLowerCase()];
    const day = parseOrdinalNumberPattern(match[DATE_GROUP]);
    if (day > 31) {
      match.index = match.index + match[DATE_GROUP].length;
      return null;
    result.start.assign("month", month);
    result.start.assign("day", day);
    if (match[YEAR_GROUP]) {
      const yearNumber = parseYear(match[YEAR_GROUP]);
      result.start.assign("year", yearNumber);
    } else {
      const year = findYearClosestToRef(context.refDate, day, month);
      result.start.imply("year", year);
    if (match[DATE_TO_GROUP]) {
      const endDate = parseOrdinalNumberPattern(match[DATE_TO_GROUP]);
      result.end = result.start.clone();
      result.end.assign("day", endDate);
    return result;
;// ./node_modules/chrono-node/dist/esm/locales/en/parsers/ENMonthNameMiddleEndianParser.js

const ENMonthNameMiddleEndianParser_PATTERN = new RegExp(`(${matchAnyPattern(MONTH_DICTIONARY)})` + "(?:-|/|\\s*,?\\s*)" + `(${ORDINAL_NUMBER_PATTERN})(?!\\s*(?:am|pm))\\s*` + "(?:" + "(?:to|\\-)\\s*" + `(${ORDINAL_NUMBER_PATTERN})\\s*` + ")?" + "(?:" + `(?:-|/|\\s*,\\s*|\\s+)` + `(${YEAR_PATTERN})` + ")?" + "(?=\\W|$)(?!\\:\\d)", "i");
const ENMonthNameMiddleEndianParser_MONTH_NAME_GROUP = 1;
const ENMonthNameMiddleEndianParser_DATE_GROUP = 2;
const ENMonthNameMiddleEndianParser_DATE_TO_GROUP = 3;
const ENMonthNameMiddleEndianParser_YEAR_GROUP = 4;
class ENMonthNameMiddleEndianParser extends AbstractParserWithWordBoundaryChecking {
  constructor(shouldSkipYearLikeDate) {
    this.shouldSkipYearLikeDate = shouldSkipYearLikeDate;
  innerPattern() {
    return ENMonthNameMiddleEndianParser_PATTERN;
  innerExtract(context, match) {
    const month = MONTH_DICTIONARY[match[ENMonthNameMiddleEndianParser_MONTH_NAME_GROUP].toLowerCase()];
    const day = parseOrdinalNumberPattern(match[ENMonthNameMiddleEndianParser_DATE_GROUP]);
    if (day > 31) {
      return null;
    if (this.shouldSkipYearLikeDate) {
      if (!match[ENMonthNameMiddleEndianParser_DATE_TO_GROUP] && !match[ENMonthNameMiddleEndianParser_YEAR_GROUP] && match[ENMonthNameMiddleEndianParser_DATE_GROUP].match(/^2[0-5]$/)) {
        return null;
    const components = context.createParsingComponents({
      day: day,
      month: month
    if (match[ENMonthNameMiddleEndianParser_YEAR_GROUP]) {
      const year = parseYear(match[ENMonthNameMiddleEndianParser_YEAR_GROUP]);
      components.assign("year", year);
    } else {
      const year = findYearClosestToRef(context.refDate, day, month);
      components.imply("year", year);
    if (!match[ENMonthNameMiddleEndianParser_DATE_TO_GROUP]) {
      return components;
    const endDate = parseOrdinalNumberPattern(match[ENMonthNameMiddleEndianParser_DATE_TO_GROUP]);
    const result = context.createParsingResult(match.index, match[0]);
    result.start = components;
    result.end = components.clone();
    result.end.assign("day", endDate);
    return result;
;// ./node_modules/chrono-node/dist/esm/locales/en/parsers/ENMonthNameParser.js

const ENMonthNameParser_PATTERN = new RegExp(`((?:in)\\s*)?` + `(${matchAnyPattern(MONTH_DICTIONARY)})` + `\\s*` + `(?:` + `[,-]?\\s*(${YEAR_PATTERN})?` + ")?" + "(?=[^\\s\\w]|\\s+[^0-9]|\\s+$|$)", "i");
const PREFIX_GROUP = 1;
const ENMonthNameParser_MONTH_NAME_GROUP = 2;
const ENMonthNameParser_YEAR_GROUP = 3;
class ENMonthNameParser extends AbstractParserWithWordBoundaryChecking {
  innerPattern() {
    return ENMonthNameParser_PATTERN;
  innerExtract(context, match) {
    const monthName = match[ENMonthNameParser_MONTH_NAME_GROUP].toLowerCase();
    if (match[0].length <= 3 && !FULL_MONTH_NAME_DICTIONARY[monthName]) {
      return null;
    const result = context.createParsingResult(match.index + (match[PREFIX_GROUP] || "").length, match.index + match[0].length);
    result.start.imply("day", 1);
    const month = MONTH_DICTIONARY[monthName];
    result.start.assign("month", month);
    if (match[ENMonthNameParser_YEAR_GROUP]) {
      const year = parseYear(match[ENMonthNameParser_YEAR_GROUP]);
      result.start.assign("year", year);
    } else {
      const year = findYearClosestToRef(context.refDate, 1, month);
      result.start.imply("year", year);
    return result;
;// ./node_modules/chrono-node/dist/esm/locales/en/parsers/ENYearMonthDayParser.js

const ENYearMonthDayParser_PATTERN = new RegExp(`([0-9]{4})[-\\.\\/\\s]` + `(?:(${matchAnyPattern(MONTH_DICTIONARY)})|([0-9]{1,2}))[-\\.\\/\\s]` + `([0-9]{1,2})` + "(?=\\W|$)", "i");
const ENYearMonthDayParser_MONTH_NAME_GROUP = 2;
class ENYearMonthDayParser extends AbstractParserWithWordBoundaryChecking {
  constructor(strictMonthDateOrder) {
    this.strictMonthDateOrder = strictMonthDateOrder;
  innerPattern() {
    return ENYearMonthDayParser_PATTERN;
  innerExtract(context, match) {
    const year = parseInt(match[YEAR_NUMBER_GROUP]);
    let day = parseInt(match[DATE_NUMBER_GROUP]);
    let month = match[MONTH_NUMBER_GROUP] ? parseInt(match[MONTH_NUMBER_GROUP]) : MONTH_DICTIONARY[match[ENYearMonthDayParser_MONTH_NAME_GROUP].toLowerCase()];
    if (month < 1 || month > 12) {
      if (this.strictMonthDateOrder) {
        return null;
      if (day >= 1 && day <= 12) {
        [month, day] = [day, month];
    if (day < 1 || day > 31) {
      return null;
    return {
      day: day,
      month: month,
      year: year
;// ./node_modules/chrono-node/dist/esm/locales/en/parsers/ENSlashMonthFormatParser.js

const ENSlashMonthFormatParser_PATTERN = new RegExp("([0-9]|0[1-9]|1[012])/([0-9]{4})" + "", "i");
const MONTH_GROUP = 1;
const ENSlashMonthFormatParser_YEAR_GROUP = 2;
class ENSlashMonthFormatParser extends AbstractParserWithWordBoundaryChecking {
  innerPattern() {
    return ENSlashMonthFormatParser_PATTERN;
  innerExtract(context, match) {
    const year = parseInt(match[ENSlashMonthFormatParser_YEAR_GROUP]);
    const month = parseInt(match[MONTH_GROUP]);
    return context.createParsingComponents().imply("day", 1).assign("month", month).assign("year", year);
;// ./node_modules/chrono-node/dist/esm/common/parsers/AbstractTimeExpressionParser.js

function primaryTimePattern(leftBoundary, primaryPrefix, primarySuffix, flags) {
  return new RegExp(`${leftBoundary}` + `${primaryPrefix}` + `(\\d{1,4})` + `(?:` + `(?:\\.|:|:)` + `(\\d{1,2})` + `(?:` + `(?::|:)` + `(\\d{2})` + `(?:\\.(\\d{1,6}))?` + `)?` + `)?` + `(?:\\s*(a\\.m\\.|p\\.m\\.|am?|pm?))?` + `${primarySuffix}`, flags);
function followingTimePatten(followingPhase, followingSuffix) {
  return new RegExp(`^(${followingPhase})` + `(\\d{1,4})` + `(?:` + `(?:\\.|\\:|\\:)` + `(\\d{1,2})` + `(?:` + `(?:\\.|\\:|\\:)` + `(\\d{1,2})(?:\\.(\\d{1,6}))?` + `)?` + `)?` + `(?:\\s*(a\\.m\\.|p\\.m\\.|am?|pm?))?` + `${followingSuffix}`, "i");
const HOUR_GROUP = 2;
const MINUTE_GROUP = 3;
const SECOND_GROUP = 4;
const AM_PM_HOUR_GROUP = 6;
class AbstractTimeExpressionParser {
  constructor(strictMode = false) {
    this.cachedPrimaryPrefix = null;
    this.cachedPrimarySuffix = null;
    this.cachedPrimaryTimePattern = null;
    this.cachedFollowingPhase = null;
    this.cachedFollowingSuffix = null;
    this.cachedFollowingTimePatten = null;
    this.strictMode = strictMode;
  patternFlags() {
    return "i";
  primaryPatternLeftBoundary() {
    return `(^|\\s|T|\\b)`;
  primarySuffix() {
    return `(?!/)(?=\\W|$)`;
  followingSuffix() {
    return `(?!/)(?=\\W|$)`;
  pattern(context) {
    return this.getPrimaryTimePatternThroughCache();
  extract(context, match) {
    const startComponents = this.extractPrimaryTimeComponents(context, match);
    if (!startComponents) {
      if (match[0].match(/^\d{4}/)) {
        match.index += 4;
        return null;
      match.index += match[0].length;
      return null;
    const index = match.index + match[1].length;
    const text = match[0].substring(match[1].length);
    const result = context.createParsingResult(index, text, startComponents);
    match.index += match[0].length;
    const remainingText = context.text.substring(match.index);
    const followingPattern = this.getFollowingTimePatternThroughCache();
    const followingMatch = followingPattern.exec(remainingText);
    if (text.match(/^\d{3,4}/) && followingMatch) {
      if (followingMatch[0].match(/^\s*([+-])\s*\d{2,4}$/)) {
        return null;
      if (followingMatch[0].match(/^\s*([+-])\s*\d{2}\W\d{2}/)) {
        return null;
    if (!followingMatch || followingMatch[0].match(/^\s*([+-])\s*\d{3,4}$/)) {
      return this.checkAndReturnWithoutFollowingPattern(result);
    result.end = this.extractFollowingTimeComponents(context, followingMatch, result);
    if (result.end) {
      result.text += followingMatch[0];
    return this.checkAndReturnWithFollowingPattern(result);
  extractPrimaryTimeComponents(context, match, strict = false) {
    const components = context.createParsingComponents();
    let minute = 0;
    let meridiem = null;
    let hour = parseInt(match[HOUR_GROUP]);
    if (hour > 100) {
      if (this.strictMode || match[MINUTE_GROUP] != null) {
        return null;
      minute = hour % 100;
      hour = Math.floor(hour / 100);
    if (hour > 24) {
      return null;
    if (match[MINUTE_GROUP] != null) {
      if (match[MINUTE_GROUP].length == 1 && !match[AM_PM_HOUR_GROUP]) {
        return null;
      minute = parseInt(match[MINUTE_GROUP]);
    if (minute >= 60) {
      return null;
    if (hour > 12) {
      meridiem = types_Meridiem.PM;
    if (match[AM_PM_HOUR_GROUP] != null) {
      if (hour > 12) return null;
      const ampm = match[AM_PM_HOUR_GROUP][0].toLowerCase();
      if (ampm == "a") {
        meridiem = types_Meridiem.AM;
        if (hour == 12) {
          hour = 0;
      if (ampm == "p") {
        meridiem = types_Meridiem.PM;
        if (hour != 12) {
          hour += 12;
    components.assign("hour", hour);
    components.assign("minute", minute);
    if (meridiem !== null) {
      components.assign("meridiem", meridiem);
    } else {
      if (hour < 12) {
        components.imply("meridiem", types_Meridiem.AM);
      } else {
        components.imply("meridiem", types_Meridiem.PM);
    if (match[MILLI_SECOND_GROUP] != null) {
      const millisecond = parseInt(match[MILLI_SECOND_GROUP].substring(0, 3));
      if (millisecond >= 1000) return null;
      components.assign("millisecond", millisecond);
    if (match[SECOND_GROUP] != null) {
      const second = parseInt(match[SECOND_GROUP]);
      if (second >= 60) return null;
      components.assign("second", second);
    return components;
  extractFollowingTimeComponents(context, match, result) {
    const components = context.createParsingComponents();
    if (match[MILLI_SECOND_GROUP] != null) {
      const millisecond = parseInt(match[MILLI_SECOND_GROUP].substring(0, 3));
      if (millisecond >= 1000) return null;
      components.assign("millisecond", millisecond);
    if (match[SECOND_GROUP] != null) {
      const second = parseInt(match[SECOND_GROUP]);
      if (second >= 60) return null;
      components.assign("second", second);
    let hour = parseInt(match[HOUR_GROUP]);
    let minute = 0;
    let meridiem = -1;
    if (match[MINUTE_GROUP] != null) {
      minute = parseInt(match[MINUTE_GROUP]);
    } else if (hour > 100) {
      minute = hour % 100;
      hour = Math.floor(hour / 100);
    if (minute >= 60 || hour > 24) {
      return null;
    if (hour >= 12) {
      meridiem = types_Meridiem.PM;
    if (match[AM_PM_HOUR_GROUP] != null) {
      if (hour > 12) {
        return null;
      const ampm = match[AM_PM_HOUR_GROUP][0].toLowerCase();
      if (ampm == "a") {
        meridiem = types_Meridiem.AM;
        if (hour == 12) {
          hour = 0;
          if (!components.isCertain("day")) {
            components.imply("day", components.get("day") + 1);
      if (ampm == "p") {
        meridiem = types_Meridiem.PM;
        if (hour != 12) hour += 12;
      if (!result.start.isCertain("meridiem")) {
        if (meridiem == types_Meridiem.AM) {
          result.start.imply("meridiem", types_Meridiem.AM);
          if (result.start.get("hour") == 12) {
            result.start.assign("hour", 0);
        } else {
          result.start.imply("meridiem", types_Meridiem.PM);
          if (result.start.get("hour") != 12) {
            result.start.assign("hour", result.start.get("hour") + 12);
    components.assign("hour", hour);
    components.assign("minute", minute);
    if (meridiem >= 0) {
      components.assign("meridiem", meridiem);
    } else {
      const startAtPM = result.start.isCertain("meridiem") && result.start.get("hour") > 12;
      if (startAtPM) {
        if (result.start.get("hour") - 12 > hour) {
          components.imply("meridiem", types_Meridiem.AM);
        } else if (hour <= 12) {
          components.assign("hour", hour + 12);
          components.assign("meridiem", types_Meridiem.PM);
      } else if (hour > 12) {
        components.imply("meridiem", types_Meridiem.PM);
      } else if (hour <= 12) {
        components.imply("meridiem", types_Meridiem.AM);
    if (components.date().getTime() < result.start.date().getTime()) {
      components.imply("day", components.get("day") + 1);
    return components;
  checkAndReturnWithoutFollowingPattern(result) {
    if (result.text.match(/^\d$/)) {
      return null;
    if (result.text.match(/^\d\d\d+$/)) {
      return null;
    if (result.text.match(/\d[apAP]$/)) {
      return null;
    const endingWithNumbers = result.text.match(/[^\d:.](\d[\d.]+)$/);
    if (endingWithNumbers) {
      const endingNumbers = endingWithNumbers[1];
      if (this.strictMode) {
        return null;
      if (endingNumbers.includes(".") && !endingNumbers.match(/\d(\.\d{2})+$/)) {
        return null;
      const endingNumberVal = parseInt(endingNumbers);
      if (endingNumberVal > 24) {
        return null;
    return result;
  checkAndReturnWithFollowingPattern(result) {
    if (result.text.match(/^\d+-\d+$/)) {
      return null;
    const endingWithNumbers = result.text.match(/[^\d:.](\d[\d.]+)\s*-\s*(\d[\d.]+)$/);
    if (endingWithNumbers) {
      if (this.strictMode) {
        return null;
      const startingNumbers = endingWithNumbers[1];
      const endingNumbers = endingWithNumbers[2];
      if (endingNumbers.includes(".") && !endingNumbers.match(/\d(\.\d{2})+$/)) {
        return null;
      const endingNumberVal = parseInt(endingNumbers);
      const startingNumberVal = parseInt(startingNumbers);
      if (endingNumberVal > 24 || startingNumberVal > 24) {
        return null;
    return result;
  getPrimaryTimePatternThroughCache() {
    const primaryPrefix = this.primaryPrefix();
    const primarySuffix = this.primarySuffix();
    if (this.cachedPrimaryPrefix === primaryPrefix && this.cachedPrimarySuffix === primarySuffix) {
      return this.cachedPrimaryTimePattern;
    this.cachedPrimaryTimePattern = primaryTimePattern(this.primaryPatternLeftBoundary(), primaryPrefix, primarySuffix, this.patternFlags());
    this.cachedPrimaryPrefix = primaryPrefix;
    this.cachedPrimarySuffix = primarySuffix;
    return this.cachedPrimaryTimePattern;
  getFollowingTimePatternThroughCache() {
    const followingPhase = this.followingPhase();
    const followingSuffix = this.followingSuffix();
    if (this.cachedFollowingPhase === followingPhase && this.cachedFollowingSuffix === followingSuffix) {
      return this.cachedFollowingTimePatten;
    this.cachedFollowingTimePatten = followingTimePatten(followingPhase, followingSuffix);
    this.cachedFollowingPhase = followingPhase;
    this.cachedFollowingSuffix = followingSuffix;
    return this.cachedFollowingTimePatten;
;// ./node_modules/chrono-node/dist/esm/locales/en/parsers/ENTimeExpressionParser.js

class ENTimeExpressionParser extends AbstractTimeExpressionParser {
  constructor(strictMode) {
  followingPhase() {
    return "\\s*(?:\\-|\\–|\\~|\\〜|to|until|through|till|\\?)\\s*";
  primaryPrefix() {
    return "(?:(?:at|from)\\s*)??";
  primarySuffix() {
    return "(?:\\s*(?:o\\W*clock|at\\s*night|in\\s*the\\s*(?:morning|afternoon)))?(?!/)(?=\\W|$)";
  extractPrimaryTimeComponents(context, match) {
    const components = super.extractPrimaryTimeComponents(context, match);
    if (!components) {
      return components;
    if (match[0].endsWith("night")) {
      const hour = components.get("hour");
      if (hour >= 6 && hour < 12) {
        components.assign("hour", components.get("hour") + 12);
        components.assign("meridiem", types_Meridiem.PM);
      } else if (hour < 6) {
        components.assign("meridiem", types_Meridiem.AM);
    if (match[0].endsWith("afternoon")) {
      components.assign("meridiem", types_Meridiem.PM);
      const hour = components.get("hour");
      if (hour >= 0 && hour <= 6) {
        components.assign("hour", components.get("hour") + 12);
    if (match[0].endsWith("morning")) {
      components.assign("meridiem", types_Meridiem.AM);
      const hour = components.get("hour");
      if (hour < 12) {
        components.assign("hour", components.get("hour"));
    return components.addTag("parser/ENTimeExpressionParser");
;// ./node_modules/chrono-node/dist/esm/utils/timeunits.js
function reverseTimeUnits(timeUnits) {
  const reversed = {};
  for (const key in timeUnits) {
    reversed[key] = -timeUnits[key];
  return reversed;
function addImpliedTimeUnits(components, timeUnits) {
  const output = components.clone();
  let date = components.dayjs();
  for (const key in timeUnits) {
    date = date.add(timeUnits[key], key);
  if ("day" in timeUnits || "d" in timeUnits || "week" in timeUnits || "month" in timeUnits || "year" in timeUnits) {
    output.imply("day", date.date());
    output.imply("month", date.month() + 1);
    output.imply("year", date.year());
  if ("second" in timeUnits || "minute" in timeUnits || "hour" in timeUnits) {
    output.imply("second", date.second());
    output.imply("minute", date.minute());
    output.imply("hour", date.hour());
  return output;
;// ./node_modules/chrono-node/dist/esm/locales/en/parsers/ENTimeUnitAgoFormatParser.js

const ENTimeUnitAgoFormatParser_PATTERN = new RegExp(`(${TIME_UNITS_PATTERN})\\s{0,5}(?:ago|before|earlier)(?=\\W|$)`, "i");
const STRICT_PATTERN = new RegExp(`(${TIME_UNITS_NO_ABBR_PATTERN})\\s{0,5}(?:ago|before|earlier)(?=\\W|$)`, "i");
class ENTimeUnitAgoFormatParser extends AbstractParserWithWordBoundaryChecking {
  constructor(strictMode) {
    this.strictMode = strictMode;
  innerPattern() {
    return this.strictMode ? STRICT_PATTERN : ENTimeUnitAgoFormatParser_PATTERN;
  innerExtract(context, match) {
    const timeUnits = parseTimeUnits(match[1]);
    if (!timeUnits) {
      return null;
    const outputTimeUnits = reverseTimeUnits(timeUnits);
    return results_ParsingComponents.createRelativeFromReference(context.reference, outputTimeUnits);
;// ./node_modules/chrono-node/dist/esm/locales/en/parsers/ENTimeUnitLaterFormatParser.js

const ENTimeUnitLaterFormatParser_PATTERN = new RegExp(`(${TIME_UNITS_PATTERN})\\s{0,5}(?:later|after|from now|henceforth|forward|out)` + "(?=(?:\\W|$))", "i");
const ENTimeUnitLaterFormatParser_STRICT_PATTERN = new RegExp(`(${TIME_UNITS_NO_ABBR_PATTERN})\\s{0,5}(later|after|from now)(?=\\W|$)`, "i");
class ENTimeUnitLaterFormatParser extends AbstractParserWithWordBoundaryChecking {
  constructor(strictMode) {
    this.strictMode = strictMode;
  innerPattern() {
    return this.strictMode ? ENTimeUnitLaterFormatParser_STRICT_PATTERN : ENTimeUnitLaterFormatParser_PATTERN;
  innerExtract(context, match) {
    const timeUnits = parseTimeUnits(match[GROUP_NUM_TIMEUNITS]);
    if (!timeUnits) {
      return null;
    return results_ParsingComponents.createRelativeFromReference(context.reference, timeUnits);
;// ./node_modules/chrono-node/dist/esm/common/abstractRefiners.js
class Filter {
  refine(context, results) {
    return results.filter(r => this.isValid(context, r));
class MergingRefiner {
  refine(context, results) {
    if (results.length < 2) {
      return results;
    const mergedResults = [];
    let curResult = results[0];
    let nextResult = null;
    for (let i = 1; i < results.length; i++) {
      nextResult = results[i];
      const textBetween = context.text.substring(curResult.index + curResult.text.length, nextResult.index);
      if (!this.shouldMergeResults(textBetween, curResult, nextResult, context)) {
        curResult = nextResult;
      } else {
        const left = curResult;
        const right = nextResult;
        const mergedResult = this.mergeResults(textBetween, left, right, context);
        context.debug(() => {
          console.log(`${this.constructor.name} merged ${left} and ${right} into ${mergedResult}`);
        curResult = mergedResult;
    if (curResult != null) {
    return mergedResults;
;// ./node_modules/chrono-node/dist/esm/common/refiners/AbstractMergeDateRangeRefiner.js

class AbstractMergeDateRangeRefiner extends MergingRefiner {
  shouldMergeResults(textBetween, currentResult, nextResult) {
    return !currentResult.end && !nextResult.end && textBetween.match(this.patternBetween()) != null;
  mergeResults(textBetween, fromResult, toResult) {
    if (!fromResult.start.isOnlyWeekdayComponent() && !toResult.start.isOnlyWeekdayComponent()) {
      toResult.start.getCertainComponents().forEach(key => {
        if (!fromResult.start.isCertain(key)) {
          fromResult.start.imply(key, toResult.start.get(key));
      fromResult.start.getCertainComponents().forEach(key => {
        if (!toResult.start.isCertain(key)) {
          toResult.start.imply(key, fromResult.start.get(key));
    if (fromResult.start.date().getTime() > toResult.start.date().getTime()) {
      let fromMoment = fromResult.start.dayjs();
      let toMoment = toResult.start.dayjs();
      if (toResult.start.isOnlyWeekdayComponent() && toMoment.add(7, "days").isAfter(fromMoment)) {
        toMoment = toMoment.add(7, "days");
        toResult.start.imply("day", toMoment.date());
        toResult.start.imply("month", toMoment.month() + 1);
        toResult.start.imply("year", toMoment.year());
      } else if (fromResult.start.isOnlyWeekdayComponent() && fromMoment.add(-7, "days").isBefore(toMoment)) {
        fromMoment = fromMoment.add(-7, "days");
        fromResult.start.imply("day", fromMoment.date());
        fromResult.start.imply("month", fromMoment.month() + 1);
        fromResult.start.imply("year", fromMoment.year());
      } else if (toResult.start.isDateWithUnknownYear() && toMoment.add(1, "years").isAfter(fromMoment)) {
        toMoment = toMoment.add(1, "years");
        toResult.start.imply("year", toMoment.year());
      } else if (fromResult.start.isDateWithUnknownYear() && fromMoment.add(-1, "years").isBefore(toMoment)) {
        fromMoment = fromMoment.add(-1, "years");
        fromResult.start.imply("year", fromMoment.year());
      } else {
        [toResult, fromResult] = [fromResult, toResult];
    const result = fromResult.clone();
    result.start = fromResult.start;
    result.end = toResult.start;
    result.index = Math.min(fromResult.index, toResult.index);
    if (fromResult.index < toResult.index) {
      result.text = fromResult.text + textBetween + toResult.text;
    } else {
      result.text = toResult.text + textBetween + fromResult.text;
    return result;
;// ./node_modules/chrono-node/dist/esm/locales/en/refiners/ENMergeDateRangeRefiner.js

class ENMergeDateRangeRefiner extends AbstractMergeDateRangeRefiner {
  patternBetween() {
    return /^\s*(to|-|–|until|through|till)\s*$/i;
;// ./node_modules/chrono-node/dist/esm/calculation/mergingCalculation.js

function mergeDateTimeResult(dateResult, timeResult) {
  const result = dateResult.clone();
  const beginDate = dateResult.start;
  const beginTime = timeResult.start;
  result.start = mergeDateTimeComponent(beginDate, beginTime);
  if (dateResult.end != null || timeResult.end != null) {
    const endDate = dateResult.end == null ? dateResult.start : dateResult.end;
    const endTime = timeResult.end == null ? timeResult.start : timeResult.end;
    const endDateTime = mergeDateTimeComponent(endDate, endTime);
    if (dateResult.end == null && endDateTime.date().getTime() < result.start.date().getTime()) {
      const nextDayJs = endDateTime.dayjs().add(1, "day");
      if (endDateTime.isCertain("day")) {
        dayjs_assignSimilarDate(endDateTime, nextDayJs);
      } else {
        implySimilarDate(endDateTime, nextDayJs);
    result.end = endDateTime;
  return result;
function mergeDateTimeComponent(dateComponent, timeComponent) {
  const dateTimeComponent = dateComponent.clone();
  if (timeComponent.isCertain("hour")) {
    dateTimeComponent.assign("hour", timeComponent.get("hour"));
    dateTimeComponent.assign("minute", timeComponent.get("minute"));
    if (timeComponent.isCertain("second")) {
      dateTimeComponent.assign("second", timeComponent.get("second"));
      if (timeComponent.isCertain("millisecond")) {
        dateTimeComponent.assign("millisecond", timeComponent.get("millisecond"));
      } else {
        dateTimeComponent.imply("millisecond", timeComponent.get("millisecond"));
    } else {
      dateTimeComponent.imply("second", timeComponent.get("second"));
      dateTimeComponent.imply("millisecond", timeComponent.get("millisecond"));
  } else {
    dateTimeComponent.imply("hour", timeComponent.get("hour"));
    dateTimeComponent.imply("minute", timeComponent.get("minute"));
    dateTimeComponent.imply("second", timeComponent.get("second"));
    dateTimeComponent.imply("millisecond", timeComponent.get("millisecond"));
  if (timeComponent.isCertain("timezoneOffset")) {
    dateTimeComponent.assign("timezoneOffset", timeComponent.get("timezoneOffset"));
  if (timeComponent.isCertain("meridiem")) {
    dateTimeComponent.assign("meridiem", timeComponent.get("meridiem"));
  } else if (timeComponent.get("meridiem") != null && dateTimeComponent.get("meridiem") == null) {
    dateTimeComponent.imply("meridiem", timeComponent.get("meridiem"));
  if (dateTimeComponent.get("meridiem") == types_Meridiem.PM && dateTimeComponent.get("hour") < 12) {
    if (timeComponent.isCertain("hour")) {
      dateTimeComponent.assign("hour", dateTimeComponent.get("hour") + 12);
    } else {
      dateTimeComponent.imply("hour", dateTimeComponent.get("hour") + 12);
  return dateTimeComponent;
;// ./node_modules/chrono-node/dist/esm/common/refiners/AbstractMergeDateTimeRefiner.js

class AbstractMergeDateTimeRefiner extends MergingRefiner {
  shouldMergeResults(textBetween, currentResult, nextResult) {
    return (currentResult.start.isOnlyDate() && nextResult.start.isOnlyTime() || nextResult.start.isOnlyDate() && currentResult.start.isOnlyTime()) && textBetween.match(this.patternBetween()) != null;
  mergeResults(textBetween, currentResult, nextResult) {
    const result = currentResult.start.isOnlyDate() ? mergeDateTimeResult(currentResult, nextResult) : mergeDateTimeResult(nextResult, currentResult);
    result.index = currentResult.index;
    result.text = currentResult.text + textBetween + nextResult.text;
    return result;
;// ./node_modules/chrono-node/dist/esm/locales/en/refiners/ENMergeDateTimeRefiner.js

class ENMergeDateTimeRefiner extends AbstractMergeDateTimeRefiner {
  patternBetween() {
    return new RegExp("^\\s*(T|at|after|before|on|of|,|-|\\.|∙|:)?\\s*$");
;// ./node_modules/chrono-node/dist/esm/common/refiners/ExtractTimezoneAbbrRefiner.js

const TIMEZONE_NAME_PATTERN = new RegExp("^\\s*,?\\s*\\(?([A-Z]{2,4})\\)?(?=\\W|$)", "i");
class ExtractTimezoneAbbrRefiner {
  constructor(timezoneOverrides) {
    this.timezoneOverrides = timezoneOverrides;
  refine(context, results) {
    const timezoneOverrides = context.option.timezones ?? {};
    results.forEach(result => {
      const suffix = context.text.substring(result.index + result.text.length);
      const match = TIMEZONE_NAME_PATTERN.exec(suffix);
      if (!match) {
      const timezoneAbbr = match[1].toUpperCase();
      const refDate = result.start.date() ?? result.refDate ?? new Date();
      const tzOverrides = {
      const extractedTimezoneOffset = toTimezoneOffset(timezoneAbbr, refDate, tzOverrides);
      if (extractedTimezoneOffset == null) {
      context.debug(() => {
        console.log(`Extracting timezone: '${timezoneAbbr}' into: ${extractedTimezoneOffset} for: ${result.start}`);
      const currentTimezoneOffset = result.start.get("timezoneOffset");
      if (currentTimezoneOffset !== null && extractedTimezoneOffset != currentTimezoneOffset) {
        if (result.start.isCertain("timezoneOffset")) {
        if (timezoneAbbr != match[1]) {
      if (result.start.isOnlyDate()) {
        if (timezoneAbbr != match[1]) {
      result.text += match[0];
      if (!result.start.isCertain("timezoneOffset")) {
        result.start.assign("timezoneOffset", extractedTimezoneOffset);
      if (result.end != null && !result.end.isCertain("timezoneOffset")) {
        result.end.assign("timezoneOffset", extractedTimezoneOffset);
    return results;
;// ./node_modules/chrono-node/dist/esm/common/refiners/ExtractTimezoneOffsetRefiner.js
const TIMEZONE_OFFSET_PATTERN = new RegExp("^\\s*(?:\\(?(?:GMT|UTC)\\s?)?([+-])(\\d{1,2})(?::?(\\d{2}))?\\)?", "i");
class ExtractTimezoneOffsetRefiner {
  refine(context, results) {
    results.forEach(function (result) {
      if (result.start.isCertain("timezoneOffset")) {
      const suffix = context.text.substring(result.index + result.text.length);
      const match = TIMEZONE_OFFSET_PATTERN.exec(suffix);
      if (!match) {
      context.debug(() => {
        console.log(`Extracting timezone: '${match[0]}' into : ${result}`);
      const hourOffset = parseInt(match[TIMEZONE_OFFSET_HOUR_OFFSET_GROUP]);
      const minuteOffset = parseInt(match[TIMEZONE_OFFSET_MINUTE_OFFSET_GROUP] || "0");
      let timezoneOffset = hourOffset * 60 + minuteOffset;
      if (timezoneOffset > 14 * 60) {
      if (match[TIMEZONE_OFFSET_SIGN_GROUP] === "-") {
        timezoneOffset = -timezoneOffset;
      if (result.end != null) {
        result.end.assign("timezoneOffset", timezoneOffset);
      result.start.assign("timezoneOffset", timezoneOffset);
      result.text += match[0];
    return results;
;// ./node_modules/chrono-node/dist/esm/common/refiners/OverlapRemovalRefiner.js
class OverlapRemovalRefiner {
  refine(context, results) {
    if (results.length < 2) {
      return results;
    const filteredResults = [];
    let prevResult = results[0];
    for (let i = 1; i < results.length; i++) {
      const result = results[i];
      if (result.index >= prevResult.index + prevResult.text.length) {
        prevResult = result;
      let kept = null;
      let removed = null;
      if (result.text.length > prevResult.text.length) {
        kept = result;
        removed = prevResult;
      } else {
        kept = prevResult;
        removed = result;
      context.debug(() => {
        console.log(`${this.constructor.name} remove ${removed} by ${kept}`);
      prevResult = kept;
    if (prevResult != null) {
    return filteredResults;
;// ./node_modules/chrono-node/dist/esm/common/refiners/ForwardDateRefiner.js

class ForwardDateRefiner {
  refine(context, results) {
    if (!context.option.forwardDate) {
      return results;
    results.forEach(result => {
      let refMoment = dayjs_min(context.refDate);
      if (result.start.isOnlyTime() && refMoment.isAfter(result.start.dayjs())) {
        refMoment = refMoment.add(1, "day");
        implySimilarDate(result.start, refMoment);
        if (result.end && result.end.isOnlyTime()) {
          implySimilarDate(result.end, refMoment);
          if (result.start.dayjs().isAfter(result.end.dayjs())) {
            refMoment = refMoment.add(1, "day");
            implySimilarDate(result.end, refMoment);
        context.debug(() => {
          console.log(`${this.constructor.name} adjusted ${result} time result (${result.start})`);
      if (result.start.isOnlyWeekdayComponent() && refMoment.isAfter(result.start.dayjs())) {
        if (refMoment.day() >= result.start.get("weekday")) {
          refMoment = refMoment.day(result.start.get("weekday") + 7);
        } else {
          refMoment = refMoment.day(result.start.get("weekday"));
        result.start.imply("day", refMoment.date());
        result.start.imply("month", refMoment.month() + 1);
        result.start.imply("year", refMoment.year());
        context.debug(() => {
          console.log(`${this.constructor.name} adjusted ${result} weekday (${result.start})`);
        if (result.end && result.end.isOnlyWeekdayComponent()) {
          if (refMoment.day() > result.end.get("weekday")) {
            refMoment = refMoment.day(result.end.get("weekday") + 7);
          } else {
            refMoment = refMoment.day(result.end.get("weekday"));
          result.end.imply("day", refMoment.date());
          result.end.imply("month", refMoment.month() + 1);
          result.end.imply("year", refMoment.year());
          context.debug(() => {
            console.log(`${this.constructor.name} adjusted ${result} weekday (${result.end})`);
      if (result.start.isDateWithUnknownYear() && refMoment.isAfter(result.start.dayjs())) {
        for (let i = 0; i < 3 && refMoment.isAfter(result.start.dayjs()); i++) {
          result.start.imply("year", result.start.get("year") + 1);
          context.debug(() => {
            console.log(`${this.constructor.name} adjusted ${result} year (${result.start})`);
          if (result.end && !result.end.isCertain("year")) {
            result.end.imply("year", result.end.get("year") + 1);
            context.debug(() => {
              console.log(`${this.constructor.name} adjusted ${result} month (${result.start})`);
    return results;
;// ./node_modules/chrono-node/dist/esm/common/refiners/UnlikelyFormatFilter.js

class UnlikelyFormatFilter extends Filter {
  constructor(strictMode) {
    this.strictMode = strictMode;
  isValid(context, result) {
    if (result.text.replace(" ", "").match(/^\d*(\.\d*)?$/)) {
      context.debug(() => {
        console.log(`Removing unlikely result '${result.text}'`);
      return false;
    if (!result.start.isValidDate()) {
      context.debug(() => {
        console.log(`Removing invalid result: ${result} (${result.start})`);
      return false;
    if (result.end && !result.end.isValidDate()) {
      context.debug(() => {
        console.log(`Removing invalid result: ${result} (${result.end})`);
      return false;
    if (this.strictMode) {
      return this.isStrictModeValid(context, result);
    return true;
  isStrictModeValid(context, result) {
    if (result.start.isOnlyWeekdayComponent()) {
      context.debug(() => {
        console.log(`(Strict) Removing weekday only component: ${result} (${result.end})`);
      return false;
    if (result.start.isOnlyTime() && (!result.start.isCertain("hour") || !result.start.isCertain("minute"))) {
      context.debug(() => {
        console.log(`(Strict) Removing uncertain time component: ${result} (${result.end})`);
      return false;
    return true;
;// ./node_modules/chrono-node/dist/esm/common/parsers/ISOFormatParser.js

const ISOFormatParser_PATTERN = new RegExp("([0-9]{4})\\-([0-9]{1,2})\\-([0-9]{1,2})" + "(?:T" + "([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2})" + "(?:" + ":([0-9]{1,2})(?:\\.(\\d{1,4}))?" + ")?" + "(" + "Z|([+-]\\d{2}):?(\\d{2})?" + ")?" + ")?" + "(?=\\W|$)", "i");
const ISOFormatParser_YEAR_NUMBER_GROUP = 1;
const ISOFormatParser_MONTH_NUMBER_GROUP = 2;
const ISOFormatParser_DATE_NUMBER_GROUP = 3;
const TZD_GROUP = 8;
class ISOFormatParser extends AbstractParserWithWordBoundaryChecking {
  innerPattern() {
    return ISOFormatParser_PATTERN;
  innerExtract(context, match) {
    const components = context.createParsingComponents({
      "year": parseInt(match[ISOFormatParser_YEAR_NUMBER_GROUP]),
      "month": parseInt(match[ISOFormatParser_MONTH_NUMBER_GROUP]),
      "day": parseInt(match[ISOFormatParser_DATE_NUMBER_GROUP])
    if (match[HOUR_NUMBER_GROUP] != null) {
      components.assign("hour", parseInt(match[HOUR_NUMBER_GROUP]));
      components.assign("minute", parseInt(match[MINUTE_NUMBER_GROUP]));
      if (match[SECOND_NUMBER_GROUP] != null) {
        components.assign("second", parseInt(match[SECOND_NUMBER_GROUP]));
      if (match[MILLISECOND_NUMBER_GROUP] != null) {
        components.assign("millisecond", parseInt(match[MILLISECOND_NUMBER_GROUP]));
      if (match[TZD_GROUP] != null) {
        let offset = 0;
        if (match[TZD_HOUR_OFFSET_GROUP]) {
          const hourOffset = parseInt(match[TZD_HOUR_OFFSET_GROUP]);
          let minuteOffset = 0;
          if (match[TZD_MINUTE_OFFSET_GROUP] != null) {
            minuteOffset = parseInt(match[TZD_MINUTE_OFFSET_GROUP]);
          offset = hourOffset * 60;
          if (offset < 0) {
            offset -= minuteOffset;
          } else {
            offset += minuteOffset;
        components.assign("timezoneOffset", offset);
    return components.addTag("parser/ISOFormatParser");
;// ./node_modules/chrono-node/dist/esm/common/refiners/MergeWeekdayComponentRefiner.js

class MergeWeekdayComponentRefiner extends MergingRefiner {
  mergeResults(textBetween, currentResult, nextResult) {
    const newResult = nextResult.clone();
    newResult.index = currentResult.index;
    newResult.text = currentResult.text + textBetween + newResult.text;
    newResult.start.assign("weekday", currentResult.start.get("weekday"));
    if (newResult.end) {
      newResult.end.assign("weekday", currentResult.start.get("weekday"));
    return newResult;
  shouldMergeResults(textBetween, currentResult, nextResult) {
    const weekdayThenNormalDate = currentResult.start.isOnlyWeekdayComponent() && !currentResult.start.isCertain("hour") && nextResult.start.isCertain("day");
    return weekdayThenNormalDate && textBetween.match(/^,?\s*$/) != null;
;// ./node_modules/chrono-node/dist/esm/configurations.js

function includeCommonConfiguration(configuration, strictMode = false) {
  configuration.parsers.unshift(new ISOFormatParser());
  configuration.refiners.unshift(new MergeWeekdayComponentRefiner());
  configuration.refiners.unshift(new ExtractTimezoneOffsetRefiner());
  configuration.refiners.unshift(new OverlapRemovalRefiner());
  configuration.refiners.push(new ExtractTimezoneAbbrRefiner());
  configuration.refiners.push(new OverlapRemovalRefiner());
  configuration.refiners.push(new ForwardDateRefiner());
  configuration.refiners.push(new UnlikelyFormatFilter(strictMode));
  return configuration;
;// ./node_modules/chrono-node/dist/esm/common/casualReferences.js

function now(reference) {
  const targetDate = dayjs_min(reference.instant);
  const component = new results_ParsingComponents(reference, {});
  dayjs_assignSimilarDate(component, targetDate);
  assignSimilarTime(component, targetDate);
  if (reference.timezoneOffset !== null) {
    component.assign("timezoneOffset", targetDate.utcOffset());
  return component;
function today(reference) {
  const targetDate = dayjs_min(reference.instant);
  const component = new results_ParsingComponents(reference, {});
  dayjs_assignSimilarDate(component, targetDate);
  implySimilarTime(component, targetDate);
  return component;
function yesterday(reference) {
  return theDayBefore(reference, 1).addTag("casualReference/yesterday");
function theDayBefore(reference, numDay) {
  return theDayAfter(reference, -numDay);
function tomorrow(reference) {
  return theDayAfter(reference, 1).addTag("casualReference/tomorrow");
function theDayAfter(reference, nDays) {
  let targetDate = dayjs_min(reference.instant);
  const component = new results_ParsingComponents(reference, {});
  targetDate = targetDate.add(nDays, "day");
  dayjs_assignSimilarDate(component, targetDate);
  implySimilarTime(component, targetDate);
  return component;
function tonight(reference, implyHour = 22) {
  const targetDate = dayjs_min(reference.instant);
  const component = new results_ParsingComponents(reference, {});
  dayjs_assignSimilarDate(component, targetDate);
  component.imply("hour", implyHour);
  component.imply("meridiem", types_Meridiem.PM);
  return component;
function lastNight(reference, implyHour = 0) {
  let targetDate = dayjs(reference.instant);
  const component = new ParsingComponents(reference, {});
  if (targetDate.hour() < 6) {
    targetDate = targetDate.add(-1, "day");
  assignSimilarDate(component, targetDate);
  component.imply("hour", implyHour);
  return component;
function evening(reference, implyHour = 20) {
  const component = new results_ParsingComponents(reference, {});
  component.imply("meridiem", types_Meridiem.PM);
  component.imply("hour", implyHour);
  return component;
function yesterdayEvening(reference, implyHour = 20) {
  let targetDate = dayjs(reference.instant);
  const component = new ParsingComponents(reference, {});
  targetDate = targetDate.add(-1, "day");
  assignSimilarDate(component, targetDate);
  component.imply("hour", implyHour);
  component.imply("meridiem", Meridiem.PM);
  return component;
function midnight(reference) {
  const component = new results_ParsingComponents(reference, {});
  const targetDate = dayjs_min(reference.instant);
  if (targetDate.hour() > 2) {
    implyTheNextDay(component, targetDate);
  component.assign("hour", 0);
  component.imply("minute", 0);
  component.imply("second", 0);
  component.imply("millisecond", 0);
  return component;
function morning(reference, implyHour = 6) {
  const component = new results_ParsingComponents(reference, {});
  component.imply("meridiem", types_Meridiem.AM);
  component.imply("hour", implyHour);
  component.imply("minute", 0);
  component.imply("second", 0);
  component.imply("millisecond", 0);
  return component;
function afternoon(reference, implyHour = 15) {
  const component = new results_ParsingComponents(reference, {});
  component.imply("meridiem", types_Meridiem.PM);
  component.imply("hour", implyHour);
  component.imply("minute", 0);
  component.imply("second", 0);
  component.imply("millisecond", 0);
  return component;
function noon(reference) {
  const component = new results_ParsingComponents(reference, {});
  component.imply("meridiem", types_Meridiem.AM);
  component.imply("hour", 12);
  component.imply("minute", 0);
  component.imply("second", 0);
  component.imply("millisecond", 0);
  return component;
;// ./node_modules/chrono-node/dist/esm/locales/en/parsers/ENCasualDateParser.js

const ENCasualDateParser_PATTERN = /(now|today|tonight|tomorrow|tmr|tmrw|yesterday|last\s*night)(?=\W|$)/i;
class ENCasualDateParser extends AbstractParserWithWordBoundaryChecking {
  innerPattern(context) {
    return ENCasualDateParser_PATTERN;
  innerExtract(context, match) {
    let targetDate = dayjs_min(context.refDate);
    const lowerText = match[0].toLowerCase();
    let component = context.createParsingComponents();
    switch (lowerText) {
      case "now":
        component = now(context.reference);
      case "today":
        component = today(context.reference);
      case "yesterday":
        component = yesterday(context.reference);
      case "tomorrow":
      case "tmr":
      case "tmrw":
        component = tomorrow(context.reference);
      case "tonight":
        component = tonight(context.reference);
        if (lowerText.match(/last\s*night/)) {
          if (targetDate.hour() > 6) {
            targetDate = targetDate.add(-1, "day");
          dayjs_assignSimilarDate(component, targetDate);
          component.imply("hour", 0);
    return component;
;// ./node_modules/chrono-node/dist/esm/locales/en/parsers/ENCasualTimeParser.js

const ENCasualTimeParser_PATTERN = /(?:this)?\s{0,3}(morning|afternoon|evening|night|midnight|midday|noon)(?=\W|$)/i;
class ENCasualTimeParser extends AbstractParserWithWordBoundaryChecking {
  innerPattern() {
    return ENCasualTimeParser_PATTERN;
  innerExtract(context, match) {
    let component = null;
    switch (match[1].toLowerCase()) {
      case "afternoon":
        component = afternoon(context.reference);
      case "evening":
      case "night":
        component = evening(context.reference);
      case "midnight":
        component = midnight(context.reference);
      case "morning":
        component = morning(context.reference);
      case "noon":
      case "midday":
        component = noon(context.reference);
    if (component) {
    return component;
;// ./node_modules/chrono-node/dist/esm/common/calculation/weekdays.js

function createParsingComponentsAtWeekday(reference, weekday, modifier) {
  const refDate = reference.getDateWithAdjustedTimezone();
  const daysToWeekday = getDaysToWeekday(refDate, weekday, modifier);
  let components = new results_ParsingComponents(reference);
  components = addImpliedTimeUnits(components, {
    "day": daysToWeekday
  components.assign("weekday", weekday);
  return components;
function getDaysToWeekday(refDate, weekday, modifier) {
  const refWeekday = refDate.getDay();
  switch (modifier) {
    case "this":
      return getDaysForwardToWeekday(refDate, weekday);
    case "last":
      return getBackwardDaysToWeekday(refDate, weekday);
    case "next":
      if (refWeekday == Weekday.SUNDAY) {
        return weekday == Weekday.SUNDAY ? 7 : weekday;
      if (refWeekday == Weekday.SATURDAY) {
        if (weekday == Weekday.SATURDAY) return 7;
        if (weekday == Weekday.SUNDAY) return 8;
        return 1 + weekday;
      if (weekday < refWeekday && weekday != Weekday.SUNDAY) {
        return getDaysForwardToWeekday(refDate, weekday);
      } else {
        return getDaysForwardToWeekday(refDate, weekday) + 7;
  return getDaysToWeekdayClosest(refDate, weekday);
function getDaysToWeekdayClosest(refDate, weekday) {
  const backward = getBackwardDaysToWeekday(refDate, weekday);
  const forward = getDaysForwardToWeekday(refDate, weekday);
  return forward < -backward ? forward : backward;
function getDaysForwardToWeekday(refDate, weekday) {
  const refWeekday = refDate.getDay();
  let forwardCount = weekday - refWeekday;
  if (forwardCount < 0) {
    forwardCount += 7;
  return forwardCount;
function getBackwardDaysToWeekday(refDate, weekday) {
  const refWeekday = refDate.getDay();
  let backwardCount = weekday - refWeekday;
  if (backwardCount >= 0) {
    backwardCount -= 7;
  return backwardCount;
;// ./node_modules/chrono-node/dist/esm/locales/en/parsers/ENWeekdayParser.js

const ENWeekdayParser_PATTERN = new RegExp("(?:(?:\\,|\\(|\\()\\s*)?" + "(?:on\\s*?)?" + "(?:(this|last|past|next)\\s*)?" + `(${matchAnyPattern(WEEKDAY_DICTIONARY)})` + "(?:\\s*(?:\\,|\\)|\\)))?" + "(?:\\s*(this|last|past|next)\\s*week)?" + "(?=\\W|$)", "i");
const ENWeekdayParser_PREFIX_GROUP = 1;
const WEEKDAY_GROUP = 2;
const POSTFIX_GROUP = 3;
class ENWeekdayParser extends AbstractParserWithWordBoundaryChecking {
  innerPattern() {
    return ENWeekdayParser_PATTERN;
  innerExtract(context, match) {
    const dayOfWeek = match[WEEKDAY_GROUP].toLowerCase();
    const weekday = WEEKDAY_DICTIONARY[dayOfWeek];
    const prefix = match[ENWeekdayParser_PREFIX_GROUP];
    const postfix = match[POSTFIX_GROUP];
    let modifierWord = prefix || postfix;
    modifierWord = modifierWord || "";
    modifierWord = modifierWord.toLowerCase();
    let modifier = null;
    if (modifierWord == "last" || modifierWord == "past") {
      modifier = "last";
    } else if (modifierWord == "next") {
      modifier = "next";
    } else if (modifierWord == "this") {
      modifier = "this";
    return createParsingComponentsAtWeekday(context.reference, weekday, modifier);
;// ./node_modules/chrono-node/dist/esm/locales/en/parsers/ENRelativeDateFormatParser.js

const ENRelativeDateFormatParser_PATTERN = new RegExp(`(this|last|past|next|after\\s*this)\\s*(${matchAnyPattern(TIME_UNIT_DICTIONARY)})(?=\\s*)` + "(?=\\W|$)", "i");
class ENRelativeDateFormatParser extends AbstractParserWithWordBoundaryChecking {
  innerPattern() {
    return ENRelativeDateFormatParser_PATTERN;
  innerExtract(context, match) {
    const modifier = match[MODIFIER_WORD_GROUP].toLowerCase();
    const unitWord = match[RELATIVE_WORD_GROUP].toLowerCase();
    const timeunit = TIME_UNIT_DICTIONARY[unitWord];
    if (modifier == "next" || modifier.startsWith("after")) {
      const timeUnits = {};
      timeUnits[timeunit] = 1;
      return results_ParsingComponents.createRelativeFromReference(context.reference, timeUnits);
    if (modifier == "last" || modifier == "past") {
      const timeUnits = {};
      timeUnits[timeunit] = -1;
      return results_ParsingComponents.createRelativeFromReference(context.reference, timeUnits);
    const components = context.createParsingComponents();
    let date = dayjs_min(context.reference.instant);
    if (unitWord.match(/week/i)) {
      date = date.add(-date.get("d"), "d");
      components.imply("day", date.date());
      components.imply("month", date.month() + 1);
      components.imply("year", date.year());
    } else if (unitWord.match(/month/i)) {
      date = date.add(-date.date() + 1, "d");
      components.imply("day", date.date());
      components.assign("year", date.year());
      components.assign("month", date.month() + 1);
    } else if (unitWord.match(/year/i)) {
      date = date.add(-date.date() + 1, "d");
      date = date.add(-date.month(), "month");
      components.imply("day", date.date());
      components.imply("month", date.month() + 1);
      components.assign("year", date.year());
    return components;
;// ./node_modules/chrono-node/dist/esm/common/parsers/SlashDateFormatParser.js

const SlashDateFormatParser_PATTERN = new RegExp("([^\\d]|^)" + "([0-3]{0,1}[0-9]{1})[\\/\\.\\-]([0-3]{0,1}[0-9]{1})" + "(?:[\\/\\.\\-]([0-9]{4}|[0-9]{2}))?" + "(\\W|$)", "i");
const OPENING_GROUP = 1;
const ENDING_GROUP = 5;
const SlashDateFormatParser_YEAR_GROUP = 4;
class SlashDateFormatParser {
  constructor(littleEndian) {
    this.groupNumberMonth = littleEndian ? SECOND_NUMBERS_GROUP : FIRST_NUMBERS_GROUP;
    this.groupNumberDay = littleEndian ? FIRST_NUMBERS_GROUP : SECOND_NUMBERS_GROUP;
  pattern() {
    return SlashDateFormatParser_PATTERN;
  extract(context, match) {
    const index = match.index + match[OPENING_GROUP].length;
    const indexEnd = match.index + match[0].length - match[ENDING_GROUP].length;
    if (index > 0) {
      const textBefore = context.text.substring(0, index);
      if (textBefore.match("\\d/?$")) {
    if (indexEnd < context.text.length) {
      const textAfter = context.text.substring(indexEnd);
      if (textAfter.match("^/?\\d")) {
    const text = context.text.substring(index, indexEnd);
    if (text.match(/^\d\.\d$/) || text.match(/^\d\.\d{1,2}\.\d{1,2}\s*$/)) {
    if (!match[SlashDateFormatParser_YEAR_GROUP] && text.indexOf("/") < 0) {
    const result = context.createParsingResult(index, text);
    let month = parseInt(match[this.groupNumberMonth]);
    let day = parseInt(match[this.groupNumberDay]);
    if (month < 1 || month > 12) {
      if (month > 12) {
        if (day >= 1 && day <= 12 && month <= 31) {
          [day, month] = [month, day];
        } else {
          return null;
    if (day < 1 || day > 31) {
      return null;
    result.start.assign("day", day);
    result.start.assign("month", month);
    if (match[SlashDateFormatParser_YEAR_GROUP]) {
      const rawYearNumber = parseInt(match[SlashDateFormatParser_YEAR_GROUP]);
      const year = findMostLikelyADYear(rawYearNumber);
      result.start.assign("year", year);
    } else {
      const year = findYearClosestToRef(context.refDate, day, month);
      result.start.imply("year", year);
    return result;
;// ./node_modules/chrono-node/dist/esm/locales/en/parsers/ENTimeUnitCasualRelativeFormatParser.js

const ENTimeUnitCasualRelativeFormatParser_PATTERN = new RegExp(`(this|last|past|next|after|\\+|-)\\s*(${TIME_UNITS_PATTERN})(?=\\W|$)`, "i");
const PATTERN_NO_ABBR = new RegExp(`(this|last|past|next|after|\\+|-)\\s*(${TIME_UNITS_NO_ABBR_PATTERN})(?=\\W|$)`, "i");
class ENTimeUnitCasualRelativeFormatParser extends AbstractParserWithWordBoundaryChecking {
  constructor(allowAbbreviations = true) {
    this.allowAbbreviations = allowAbbreviations;
  innerPattern() {
    return this.allowAbbreviations ? ENTimeUnitCasualRelativeFormatParser_PATTERN : PATTERN_NO_ABBR;
  innerExtract(context, match) {
    const prefix = match[1].toLowerCase();
    let timeUnits = parseTimeUnits(match[2]);
    if (!timeUnits) {
      return null;
    switch (prefix) {
      case "last":
      case "past":
      case "-":
        timeUnits = reverseTimeUnits(timeUnits);
    return results_ParsingComponents.createRelativeFromReference(context.reference, timeUnits);
;// ./node_modules/chrono-node/dist/esm/locales/en/refiners/ENMergeRelativeAfterDateRefiner.js

function IsPositiveFollowingReference(result) {
  return result.text.match(/^[+-]/i) != null;
function IsNegativeFollowingReference(result) {
  return result.text.match(/^-/i) != null;
class ENMergeRelativeAfterDateRefiner extends MergingRefiner {
  shouldMergeResults(textBetween, currentResult, nextResult) {
    if (!textBetween.match(/^\s*$/i)) {
      return false;
    return IsPositiveFollowingReference(nextResult) || IsNegativeFollowingReference(nextResult);
  mergeResults(textBetween, currentResult, nextResult, context) {
    let timeUnits = parseTimeUnits(nextResult.text);
    if (IsNegativeFollowingReference(nextResult)) {
      timeUnits = reverseTimeUnits(timeUnits);
    const components = results_ParsingComponents.createRelativeFromReference(new ReferenceWithTimezone(currentResult.start.date()), timeUnits);
    return new ParsingResult(currentResult.reference, currentResult.index, `${currentResult.text}${textBetween}${nextResult.text}`, components);
;// ./node_modules/chrono-node/dist/esm/locales/en/refiners/ENMergeRelativeFollowByDateRefiner.js

function hasImpliedEarlierReferenceDate(result) {
  return result.text.match(/\s+(before|from)$/i) != null;
function hasImpliedLaterReferenceDate(result) {
  return result.text.match(/\s+(after|since)$/i) != null;
class ENMergeRelativeFollowByDateRefiner extends MergingRefiner {
  patternBetween() {
    return /^\s*$/i;
  shouldMergeResults(textBetween, currentResult, nextResult) {
    if (!textBetween.match(this.patternBetween())) {
      return false;
    if (!hasImpliedEarlierReferenceDate(currentResult) && !hasImpliedLaterReferenceDate(currentResult)) {
      return false;
    return !!nextResult.start.get("day") && !!nextResult.start.get("month") && !!nextResult.start.get("year");
  mergeResults(textBetween, currentResult, nextResult) {
    let timeUnits = parseTimeUnits(currentResult.text);
    if (hasImpliedEarlierReferenceDate(currentResult)) {
      timeUnits = reverseTimeUnits(timeUnits);
    const components = results_ParsingComponents.createRelativeFromReference(new ReferenceWithTimezone(nextResult.start.date()), timeUnits);
    return new ParsingResult(nextResult.reference, currentResult.index, `${currentResult.text}${textBetween}${nextResult.text}`, components);
;// ./node_modules/chrono-node/dist/esm/locales/en/refiners/ENExtractYearSuffixRefiner.js

const YEAR_SUFFIX_PATTERN = new RegExp(`^\\s*(${YEAR_PATTERN})`, "i");
const ENExtractYearSuffixRefiner_YEAR_GROUP = 1;
class ENExtractYearSuffixRefiner {
  refine(context, results) {
    results.forEach(function (result) {
      if (!result.start.isDateWithUnknownYear()) {
      const suffix = context.text.substring(result.index + result.text.length);
      const match = YEAR_SUFFIX_PATTERN.exec(suffix);
      if (!match) {
      context.debug(() => {
        console.log(`Extracting year: '${match[0]}' into : ${result}`);
      const year = parseYear(match[ENExtractYearSuffixRefiner_YEAR_GROUP]);
      if (result.end != null) {
        result.end.assign("year", year);
      result.start.assign("year", year);
      result.text += match[0];
    return results;
;// ./node_modules/chrono-node/dist/esm/locales/en/configuration.js

class ENDefaultConfiguration {
  createCasualConfiguration(littleEndian = false) {
    const option = this.createConfiguration(false, littleEndian);
    option.parsers.push(new ENCasualDateParser());
    option.parsers.push(new ENCasualTimeParser());
    option.parsers.push(new ENMonthNameParser());
    option.parsers.push(new ENRelativeDateFormatParser());
    option.parsers.push(new ENTimeUnitCasualRelativeFormatParser());
    return option;
  createConfiguration(strictMode = true, littleEndian = false) {
    const options = includeCommonConfiguration({
      parsers: [new SlashDateFormatParser(littleEndian), new ENTimeUnitWithinFormatParser(strictMode), new ENMonthNameLittleEndianParser(), new ENMonthNameMiddleEndianParser(littleEndian), new ENWeekdayParser(), new ENSlashMonthFormatParser(), new ENTimeExpressionParser(strictMode), new ENTimeUnitAgoFormatParser(strictMode), new ENTimeUnitLaterFormatParser(strictMode)],
      refiners: [new ENMergeDateTimeRefiner()]
    }, strictMode);
    options.parsers.unshift(new ENYearMonthDayParser(strictMode));
    options.refiners.unshift(new ENMergeRelativeFollowByDateRefiner());
    options.refiners.unshift(new ENMergeRelativeAfterDateRefiner());
    options.refiners.unshift(new OverlapRemovalRefiner());
    options.refiners.push(new ENMergeDateTimeRefiner());
    options.refiners.push(new ENExtractYearSuffixRefiner());
    options.refiners.push(new ENMergeDateRangeRefiner());
    return options;
;// ./node_modules/chrono-node/dist/esm/chrono.js

class Chrono {
  constructor(configuration) {
    this.defaultConfig = new ENDefaultConfiguration();
    configuration = configuration || this.defaultConfig.createCasualConfiguration();
    this.parsers = [...configuration.parsers];
    this.refiners = [...configuration.refiners];
  clone() {
    return new Chrono({
      parsers: [...this.parsers],
      refiners: [...this.refiners]
  parseDate(text, referenceDate, option) {
    const results = this.parse(text, referenceDate, option);
    return results.length > 0 ? results[0].start.date() : null;
  parse(text, referenceDate, option) {
    const context = new ParsingContext(text, referenceDate, option);
    let results = [];
    this.parsers.forEach(parser => {
      const parsedResults = Chrono.executeParser(context, parser);
      results = results.concat(parsedResults);
    results.sort((a, b) => {
      return a.index - b.index;
    this.refiners.forEach(function (refiner) {
      results = refiner.refine(context, results);
    return results;
  static executeParser(context, parser) {
    const results = [];
    const pattern = parser.pattern(context);
    const originalText = context.text;
    let remainingText = context.text;
    let match = pattern.exec(remainingText);
    while (match) {
      const index = match.index + originalText.length - remainingText.length;
      match.index = index;
      const result = parser.extract(context, match);
      if (!result) {
        remainingText = originalText.substring(match.index + 1);
        match = pattern.exec(remainingText);
      let parsedResult = null;
      if (result instanceof ParsingResult) {
        parsedResult = result;
      } else if (result instanceof results_ParsingComponents) {
        parsedResult = context.createParsingResult(match.index, match[0]);
        parsedResult.start = result;
      } else {
        parsedResult = context.createParsingResult(match.index, match[0], result);
      const parsedIndex = parsedResult.index;
      const parsedText = parsedResult.text;
      context.debug(() => console.log(`${parser.constructor.name} extracted (at index=${parsedIndex}) '${parsedText}'`));
      remainingText = originalText.substring(parsedIndex + parsedText.length);
      match = pattern.exec(remainingText);
    return results;
class ParsingContext {
  constructor(text, refDate, option) {
    this.text = text;
    this.reference = new ReferenceWithTimezone(refDate);
    this.option = option ?? {};
    this.refDate = this.reference.instant;
  createParsingComponents(components) {
    if (components instanceof results_ParsingComponents) {
      return components;
    return new results_ParsingComponents(this.reference, components);
  createParsingResult(index, textOrEndIndex, startComponents, endComponents) {
    const text = typeof textOrEndIndex === "string" ? textOrEndIndex : this.text.substring(index, textOrEndIndex);
    const start = startComponents ? this.createParsingComponents(startComponents) : null;
    const end = endComponents ? this.createParsingComponents(endComponents) : null;
    return new ParsingResult(this.reference, index, text, start, end);
  debug(block) {
    if (this.option.debug) {
      if (this.option.debug instanceof Function) {
      } else {
        const handler = this.option.debug;
;// ./node_modules/chrono-node/dist/esm/locales/en/index.js

const configuration = new ENDefaultConfiguration();
const casual = new Chrono(configuration.createCasualConfiguration(false));
const strict = new Chrono(configuration.createConfiguration(true, false));
const GB = new Chrono(configuration.createCasualConfiguration(true));
function parse(text, ref, option) {
  return casual.parse(text, ref, option);
function parseDate(text, ref, option) {
  return casual.parseDate(text, ref, option);
;// ./node_modules/chrono-node/dist/esm/index.js

const esm_strict = strict;
const esm_casual = casual;
function esm_parse(text, ref, option) {
  return esm_casual.parse(text, ref, option);
function esm_parseDate(text, ref, option) {
  return esm_casual.parseDate(text, ref, option);
;// ./node_modules/chrono-node/dist/esm/locales/de/parsers/DETimeExpressionParser.js

class DETimeExpressionParser extends AbstractTimeExpressionParser {
  primaryPrefix() {
    return "(?:(?:um|von)\\s*)?";
  followingPhase() {
    return "\\s*(?:\\-|\\–|\\~|\\〜|bis)\\s*";
  extractPrimaryTimeComponents(context, match) {
    if (match[0].match(/^\s*\d{4}\s*$/)) {
      return null;
    return super.extractPrimaryTimeComponents(context, match);
;// ./node_modules/chrono-node/dist/esm/locales/de/constants.js

const constants_WEEKDAY_DICTIONARY = {
  "sonntag": 0,
  "so": 0,
  "montag": 1,
  "mo": 1,
  "dienstag": 2,
  "di": 2,
  "mittwoch": 3,
  "mi": 3,
  "donnerstag": 4,
  "do": 4,
  "freitag": 5,
  "fr": 5,
  "samstag": 6,
  "sa": 6
const constants_MONTH_DICTIONARY = {
  "januar": 1,
  "jänner": 1,
  "janner": 1,
  "jan": 1,
  "jan.": 1,
  "februar": 2,
  "feber": 2,
  "feb": 2,
  "feb.": 2,
  "märz": 3,
  "maerz": 3,
  "mär": 3,
  "mär.": 3,
  "mrz": 3,
  "mrz.": 3,
  "april": 4,
  "apr": 4,
  "apr.": 4,
  "mai": 5,
  "juni": 6,
  "jun": 6,
  "jun.": 6,
  "juli": 7,
  "jul": 7,
  "jul.": 7,
  "august": 8,
  "aug": 8,
  "aug.": 8,
  "september": 9,
  "sep": 9,
  "sep.": 9,
  "sept": 9,
  "sept.": 9,
  "oktober": 10,
  "okt": 10,
  "okt.": 10,
  "november": 11,
  "nov": 11,
  "nov.": 11,
  "dezember": 12,
  "dez": 12,
  "dez.": 12
const constants_INTEGER_WORD_DICTIONARY = {
  "eins": 1,
  "eine": 1,
  "einem": 1,
  "einen": 1,
  "einer": 1,
  "zwei": 2,
  "drei": 3,
  "vier": 4,
  "fünf": 5,
  "fuenf": 5,
  "sechs": 6,
  "sieben": 7,
  "acht": 8,
  "neun": 9,
  "zehn": 10,
  "elf": 11,
  "zwölf": 12,
  "zwoelf": 12
const constants_TIME_UNIT_DICTIONARY = {
  sek: "second",
  sekunde: "second",
  sekunden: "second",
  min: "minute",
  minute: "minute",
  minuten: "minute",
  h: "hour",
  std: "hour",
  stunde: "hour",
  stunden: "hour",
  tag: "d",
  tage: "d",
  tagen: "d",
  woche: "week",
  wochen: "week",
  monat: "month",
  monate: "month",
  monaten: "month",
  monats: "month",
  quartal: "quarter",
  quartals: "quarter",
  quartale: "quarter",
  quartalen: "quarter",
  a: "year",
  j: "year",
  jr: "year",
  jahr: "year",
  jahre: "year",
  jahren: "year",
  jahres: "year"
const constants_NUMBER_PATTERN = `(?:${matchAnyPattern(constants_INTEGER_WORD_DICTIONARY)}|[0-9]+|[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+|halb?|halbe?|einigen?|wenigen?|mehreren?)`;
function constants_parseNumberPattern(match) {
  const num = match.toLowerCase();
  if (constants_INTEGER_WORD_DICTIONARY[num] !== undefined) {
    return constants_INTEGER_WORD_DICTIONARY[num];
  } else if (num === "ein" || num === "einer" || num === "einem" || num === "einen" || num === "eine") {
    return 1;
  } else if (num.match(/wenigen/)) {
    return 2;
  } else if (num.match(/halb/) || num.match(/halben/)) {
    return 0.5;
  } else if (num.match(/einigen/)) {
    return 3;
  } else if (num.match(/mehreren/)) {
    return 7;
  return parseFloat(num);
const constants_YEAR_PATTERN = `(?:[0-9]{1,4}(?:\\s*[vn]\\.?\\s*(?:C(?:hr)?|(?:u\\.?|d\\.?(?:\\s*g\\.?)?)?\\s*Z)\\.?|\\s*(?:u\\.?|d\\.?(?:\\s*g\\.)?)\\s*Z\\.?)?)`;
function constants_parseYear(match) {
  if (/v/i.test(match)) {
    return -parseInt(match.replace(/[^0-9]+/gi, ""));
  if (/n/i.test(match)) {
    return parseInt(match.replace(/[^0-9]+/gi, ""));
  if (/z/i.test(match)) {
    return parseInt(match.replace(/[^0-9]+/gi, ""));
  const rawYearNumber = parseInt(match);
  return findMostLikelyADYear(rawYearNumber);
const constants_SINGLE_TIME_UNIT_PATTERN = `(${constants_NUMBER_PATTERN})\\s{0,5}(${matchAnyPattern(constants_TIME_UNIT_DICTIONARY)})\\s{0,5}`;
const constants_SINGLE_TIME_UNIT_REGEX = new RegExp(constants_SINGLE_TIME_UNIT_PATTERN, "i");
const constants_TIME_UNITS_PATTERN = repeatedTimeunitPattern("", constants_SINGLE_TIME_UNIT_PATTERN);
function constants_parseTimeUnits(timeunitText) {
  const fragments = {};
  let remainingText = timeunitText;
  let match = constants_SINGLE_TIME_UNIT_REGEX.exec(remainingText);
  while (match) {
    constants_collectDateTimeFragment(fragments, match);
    remainingText = remainingText.substring(match[0].length);
    match = constants_SINGLE_TIME_UNIT_REGEX.exec(remainingText);
  return fragments;
function constants_collectDateTimeFragment(fragments, match) {
  const num = constants_parseNumberPattern(match[1]);
  const unit = constants_TIME_UNIT_DICTIONARY[match[2].toLowerCase()];
  fragments[unit] = num;
;// ./node_modules/chrono-node/dist/esm/locales/de/parsers/DEWeekdayParser.js

const DEWeekdayParser_PATTERN = new RegExp("(?:(?:\\,|\\(|\\()\\s*)?" + "(?:a[mn]\\s*?)?" + "(?:(diese[mn]|letzte[mn]|n(?:ä|ae)chste[mn])\\s*)?" + `(${matchAnyPattern(constants_WEEKDAY_DICTIONARY)})` + "(?:\\s*(?:\\,|\\)|\\)))?" + "(?:\\s*(diese|letzte|n(?:ä|ae)chste)\\s*woche)?" + "(?=\\W|$)", "i");
const DEWeekdayParser_PREFIX_GROUP = 1;
const SUFFIX_GROUP = 3;
const DEWeekdayParser_WEEKDAY_GROUP = 2;
class DEWeekdayParser extends AbstractParserWithWordBoundaryChecking {
  innerPattern() {
    return DEWeekdayParser_PATTERN;
  innerExtract(context, match) {
    const dayOfWeek = match[DEWeekdayParser_WEEKDAY_GROUP].toLowerCase();
    const offset = constants_WEEKDAY_DICTIONARY[dayOfWeek];
    const prefix = match[DEWeekdayParser_PREFIX_GROUP];
    const postfix = match[SUFFIX_GROUP];
    let modifierWord = prefix || postfix;
    modifierWord = modifierWord || "";
    modifierWord = modifierWord.toLowerCase();
    let modifier = null;
    if (modifierWord.match(/letzte/)) {
      modifier = "last";
    } else if (modifierWord.match(/chste/)) {
      modifier = "next";
    } else if (modifierWord.match(/diese/)) {
      modifier = "this";
    return createParsingComponentsAtWeekday(context.reference, offset, modifier);
;// ./node_modules/chrono-node/dist/esm/locales/de/parsers/DESpecificTimeExpressionParser.js

const FIRST_REG_PATTERN = new RegExp("(^|\\s|T)" + "(?:(?:um|von)\\s*)?" + "(\\d{1,2})(?:h|:)?" + "(?:(\\d{1,2})(?:m|:)?)?" + "(?:(\\d{1,2})(?:s)?)?" + "(?:\\s*Uhr)?" + "(?:\\s*(morgens|vormittags|nachmittags|abends|nachts|am\\s+(?:Morgen|Vormittag|Nachmittag|Abend)|in\\s+der\\s+Nacht))?" + "(?=\\W|$)", "i");
const SECOND_REG_PATTERN = new RegExp("^\\s*(\\-|\\–|\\~|\\〜|bis(?:\\s+um)?|\\?)\\s*" + "(\\d{1,2})(?:h|:)?" + "(?:(\\d{1,2})(?:m|:)?)?" + "(?:(\\d{1,2})(?:s)?)?" + "(?:\\s*Uhr)?" + "(?:\\s*(morgens|vormittags|nachmittags|abends|nachts|am\\s+(?:Morgen|Vormittag|Nachmittag|Abend)|in\\s+der\\s+Nacht))?" + "(?=\\W|$)", "i");
const DESpecificTimeExpressionParser_HOUR_GROUP = 2;
const DESpecificTimeExpressionParser_MINUTE_GROUP = 3;
const DESpecificTimeExpressionParser_SECOND_GROUP = 4;
const DESpecificTimeExpressionParser_AM_PM_HOUR_GROUP = 5;
class DESpecificTimeExpressionParser {
  pattern(context) {
  extract(context, match) {
    const result = context.createParsingResult(match.index + match[1].length, match[0].substring(match[1].length));
    if (result.text.match(/^\d{4}$/)) {
      match.index += match[0].length;
      return null;
    result.start = DESpecificTimeExpressionParser.extractTimeComponent(result.start.clone(), match);
    if (!result.start) {
      match.index += match[0].length;
      return null;
    const remainingText = context.text.substring(match.index + match[0].length);
    const secondMatch = SECOND_REG_PATTERN.exec(remainingText);
    if (secondMatch) {
      result.end = DESpecificTimeExpressionParser.extractTimeComponent(result.start.clone(), secondMatch);
      if (result.end) {
        result.text += secondMatch[0];
    return result;
  static extractTimeComponent(extractingComponents, match) {
    let hour = 0;
    let minute = 0;
    let meridiem = null;
    hour = parseInt(match[DESpecificTimeExpressionParser_HOUR_GROUP]);
    if (match[DESpecificTimeExpressionParser_MINUTE_GROUP] != null) {
      minute = parseInt(match[DESpecificTimeExpressionParser_MINUTE_GROUP]);
    if (minute >= 60 || hour > 24) {
      return null;
    if (hour >= 12) {
      meridiem = types_Meridiem.PM;
    if (match[DESpecificTimeExpressionParser_AM_PM_HOUR_GROUP] != null) {
      if (hour > 12) return null;
      const ampm = match[DESpecificTimeExpressionParser_AM_PM_HOUR_GROUP].toLowerCase();
      if (ampm.match(/morgen|vormittag/)) {
        meridiem = types_Meridiem.AM;
        if (hour == 12) {
          hour = 0;
      if (ampm.match(/nachmittag|abend/)) {
        meridiem = types_Meridiem.PM;
        if (hour != 12) {
          hour += 12;
      if (ampm.match(/nacht/)) {
        if (hour == 12) {
          meridiem = types_Meridiem.AM;
          hour = 0;
        } else if (hour < 6) {
          meridiem = types_Meridiem.AM;
        } else {
          meridiem = types_Meridiem.PM;
          hour += 12;
    extractingComponents.assign("hour", hour);
    extractingComponents.assign("minute", minute);
    if (meridiem !== null) {
      extractingComponents.assign("meridiem", meridiem);
    } else {
      if (hour < 12) {
        extractingComponents.imply("meridiem", types_Meridiem.AM);
      } else {
        extractingComponents.imply("meridiem", types_Meridiem.PM);
    if (match[DESpecificTimeExpressionParser_SECOND_GROUP] != null) {
      const second = parseInt(match[DESpecificTimeExpressionParser_SECOND_GROUP]);
      if (second >= 60) return null;
      extractingComponents.assign("second", second);
    return extractingComponents;
;// ./node_modules/chrono-node/dist/esm/locales/de/refiners/DEMergeDateRangeRefiner.js

class DEMergeDateRangeRefiner extends AbstractMergeDateRangeRefiner {
  patternBetween() {
    return /^\s*(bis(?:\s*(?:am|zum))?|-)\s*$/i;
;// ./node_modules/chrono-node/dist/esm/locales/de/refiners/DEMergeDateTimeRefiner.js

class DEMergeDateTimeRefiner extends AbstractMergeDateTimeRefiner {
  patternBetween() {
    return new RegExp("^\\s*(T|um|am|,|-)?\\s*$");
;// ./node_modules/chrono-node/dist/esm/locales/de/parsers/DECasualTimeParser.js

class DECasualTimeParser extends AbstractParserWithWordBoundaryChecking {
  innerPattern(context) {
    return /(diesen)?\s*(morgen|vormittag|mittags?|nachmittag|abend|nacht|mitternacht)(?=\W|$)/i;
  innerExtract(context, match) {
    const targetDate = dayjs_min(context.refDate);
    const timeKeywordPattern = match[2].toLowerCase();
    const component = context.createParsingComponents();
    implySimilarTime(component, targetDate);
    return DECasualTimeParser.extractTimeComponents(component, timeKeywordPattern);
  static extractTimeComponents(component, timeKeywordPattern) {
    switch (timeKeywordPattern) {
      case "morgen":
        component.imply("hour", 6);
        component.imply("minute", 0);
        component.imply("second", 0);
        component.imply("meridiem", types_Meridiem.AM);
      case "vormittag":
        component.imply("hour", 9);
        component.imply("minute", 0);
        component.imply("second", 0);
        component.imply("meridiem", types_Meridiem.AM);
      case "mittag":
      case "mittags":
        component.imply("hour", 12);
        component.imply("minute", 0);
        component.imply("second", 0);
        component.imply("meridiem", types_Meridiem.AM);
      case "nachmittag":
        component.imply("hour", 15);
        component.imply("minute", 0);
        component.imply("second", 0);
        component.imply("meridiem", types_Meridiem.PM);
      case "abend":
        component.imply("hour", 18);
        component.imply("minute", 0);
        component.imply("second", 0);
        component.imply("meridiem", types_Meridiem.PM);
      case "nacht":
        component.imply("hour", 22);
        component.imply("minute", 0);
        component.imply("second", 0);
        component.imply("meridiem", types_Meridiem.PM);
      case "mitternacht":
        if (component.get("hour") > 1) {
          component = addImpliedTimeUnits(component, {
            "day": 1
        component.imply("hour", 0);
        component.imply("minute", 0);
        component.imply("second", 0);
        component.imply("meridiem", types_Meridiem.AM);
    return component;
;// ./node_modules/chrono-node/dist/esm/locales/de/parsers/DECasualDateParser.js

const DECasualDateParser_PATTERN = new RegExp(`(jetzt|heute|morgen|übermorgen|uebermorgen|gestern|vorgestern|letzte\\s*nacht)` + `(?:\\s*(morgen|vormittag|mittags?|nachmittag|abend|nacht|mitternacht))?` + `(?=\\W|$)`, "i");
const DECasualDateParser_DATE_GROUP = 1;
const TIME_GROUP = 2;
class DECasualDateParser extends AbstractParserWithWordBoundaryChecking {
  innerPattern(context) {
    return DECasualDateParser_PATTERN;
  innerExtract(context, match) {
    let targetDate = dayjs_min(context.refDate);
    const dateKeyword = (match[DECasualDateParser_DATE_GROUP] || "").toLowerCase();
    const timeKeyword = (match[TIME_GROUP] || "").toLowerCase();
    let component = context.createParsingComponents();
    switch (dateKeyword) {
      case "jetzt":
        component = now(context.reference);
      case "heute":
        component = today(context.reference);
      case "morgen":
        assignTheNextDay(component, targetDate);
      case "übermorgen":
      case "uebermorgen":
        targetDate = targetDate.add(1, "day");
        assignTheNextDay(component, targetDate);
      case "gestern":
        targetDate = targetDate.add(-1, "day");
        dayjs_assignSimilarDate(component, targetDate);
        implySimilarTime(component, targetDate);
      case "vorgestern":
        targetDate = targetDate.add(-2, "day");
        dayjs_assignSimilarDate(component, targetDate);
        implySimilarTime(component, targetDate);
        if (dateKeyword.match(/letzte\s*nacht/)) {
          if (targetDate.hour() > 6) {
            targetDate = targetDate.add(-1, "day");
          dayjs_assignSimilarDate(component, targetDate);
          component.imply("hour", 0);
    if (timeKeyword) {
      component = DECasualTimeParser.extractTimeComponents(component, timeKeyword);
    return component;
;// ./node_modules/chrono-node/dist/esm/locales/de/parsers/DEMonthNameLittleEndianParser.js

const DEMonthNameLittleEndianParser_PATTERN = new RegExp("(?:am\\s*?)?" + "(?:den\\s*?)?" + `([0-9]{1,2})\\.` + `(?:\\s*(?:bis(?:\\s*(?:am|zum))?|\\-|\\–|\\s)\\s*([0-9]{1,2})\\.?)?\\s*` + `(${matchAnyPattern(constants_MONTH_DICTIONARY)})` + `(?:(?:-|/|,?\\s*)(${constants_YEAR_PATTERN}(?![^\\s]\\d)))?` + `(?=\\W|$)`, "i");
const DEMonthNameLittleEndianParser_DATE_GROUP = 1;
const DEMonthNameLittleEndianParser_DATE_TO_GROUP = 2;
const DEMonthNameLittleEndianParser_MONTH_NAME_GROUP = 3;
const DEMonthNameLittleEndianParser_YEAR_GROUP = 4;
class DEMonthNameLittleEndianParser extends AbstractParserWithWordBoundaryChecking {
  innerPattern() {
    return DEMonthNameLittleEndianParser_PATTERN;
  innerExtract(context, match) {
    const result = context.createParsingResult(match.index, match[0]);
    const month = constants_MONTH_DICTIONARY[match[DEMonthNameLittleEndianParser_MONTH_NAME_GROUP].toLowerCase()];
    const day = parseInt(match[DEMonthNameLittleEndianParser_DATE_GROUP]);
    if (day > 31) {
      match.index = match.index + match[DEMonthNameLittleEndianParser_DATE_GROUP].length;
      return null;
    result.start.assign("month", month);
    result.start.assign("day", day);
    if (match[DEMonthNameLittleEndianParser_YEAR_GROUP]) {
      const yearNumber = constants_parseYear(match[DEMonthNameLittleEndianParser_YEAR_GROUP]);
      result.start.assign("year", yearNumber);
    } else {
      const year = findYearClosestToRef(context.refDate, day, month);
      result.start.imply("year", year);
    if (match[DEMonthNameLittleEndianParser_DATE_TO_GROUP]) {
      const endDate = parseInt(match[DEMonthNameLittleEndianParser_DATE_TO_GROUP]);
      result.end = result.start.clone();
      result.end.assign("day", endDate);
    return result;
;// ./node_modules/chrono-node/dist/esm/locales/de/parsers/DETimeUnitRelativeFormatParser.js

class DETimeUnitAgoFormatParser extends AbstractParserWithWordBoundaryChecking {
  constructor() {
  innerPattern() {
    return new RegExp(`(?:\\s*((?:nächste|kommende|folgende|letzte|vergangene|vorige|vor(?:her|an)gegangene)(?:s|n|m|r)?|vor|in)\\s*)?` + `(${constants_NUMBER_PATTERN})?` + `(?:\\s*(nächste|kommende|folgende|letzte|vergangene|vorige|vor(?:her|an)gegangene)(?:s|n|m|r)?)?` + `\\s*(${matchAnyPattern(constants_TIME_UNIT_DICTIONARY)})`, "i");
  innerExtract(context, match) {
    const num = match[2] ? constants_parseNumberPattern(match[2]) : 1;
    const unit = constants_TIME_UNIT_DICTIONARY[match[4].toLowerCase()];
    let timeUnits = {};
    timeUnits[unit] = num;
    let modifier = match[1] || match[3] || "";
    modifier = modifier.toLowerCase();
    if (!modifier) {
    if (/vor/.test(modifier) || /letzte/.test(modifier) || /vergangen/.test(modifier)) {
      timeUnits = reverseTimeUnits(timeUnits);
    return results_ParsingComponents.createRelativeFromReference(context.reference, timeUnits);
;// ./node_modules/chrono-node/dist/esm/locales/de/parsers/DETimeUnitWithinFormatParser.js

class DETimeUnitWithinFormatParser extends AbstractParserWithWordBoundaryChecking {
  innerPattern() {
    return new RegExp(`(?:in|für|während)\\s*(${constants_TIME_UNITS_PATTERN})(?=\\W|$)`, "i");
  innerExtract(context, match) {
    const timeUnits = constants_parseTimeUnits(match[1]);
    return results_ParsingComponents.createRelativeFromReference(context.reference, timeUnits);
;// ./node_modules/chrono-node/dist/esm/locales/de/index.js

const de_casual = new Chrono(createCasualConfiguration());
const de_strict = new Chrono(createConfiguration(true));
function de_parse(text, ref, option) {
  return de_casual.parse(text, ref, option);
function de_parseDate(text, ref, option) {
  return de_casual.parseDate(text, ref, option);
function createCasualConfiguration(littleEndian = true) {
  const option = createConfiguration(false, littleEndian);
  option.parsers.unshift(new DECasualTimeParser());
  option.parsers.unshift(new DECasualDateParser());
  option.parsers.unshift(new DETimeUnitAgoFormatParser());
  return option;
function createConfiguration(strictMode = true, littleEndian = true) {
  return includeCommonConfiguration({
    parsers: [new ISOFormatParser(), new SlashDateFormatParser(littleEndian), new DETimeExpressionParser(), new DESpecificTimeExpressionParser(), new DEMonthNameLittleEndianParser(), new DEWeekdayParser(), new DETimeUnitWithinFormatParser()],
    refiners: [new DEMergeDateRangeRefiner(), new DEMergeDateTimeRefiner()]
  }, strictMode);
;// ./src/utils.ts
function extractNumber(s) {
    var match = /(\+?[0-9]{4,})/.exec(s);
    if (!match) {
        return undefined;
    var number = match[1];
    if (number.startsWith('+')) {
        number = number.replace('+', '00');
    return number;
function fireChangeEvents(element) {
    var changeEvent = null;
    changeEvent = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents');
    changeEvent.initEvent('input', true, true);
    console.debug('input event dispatched for element: ' + element.id);
    changeEvent = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents');
    changeEvent.initEvent('keyup', true, true);
    console.debug('keyup event dispatched for element: ' + element.id);
    changeEvent = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents');
    changeEvent.initEvent('change', true, true);
    console.debug('change event dispatched for element: ' + element.id);

;// ./node_modules/@trim21/gm-fetch/dist/index.mjs
function parseRawHeaders(h) {
    const s = h.trim();
    if (!s) {
        return new Headers();
    const array = s.split("\r\n").map((value) => {
        let s = value.split(":");
        return [s[0].trim(), s[1].trim()];
    return new Headers(array);
function parseGMResponse(req, res) {
    return new ResImpl(res.response, {
        statusCode: res.status,
        statusText: res.statusText,
        headers: parseRawHeaders(res.responseHeaders),
        finalUrl: res.finalUrl,
        redirected: res.finalUrl === req.url,
class ResImpl {
    constructor(body, init) {
        this.rawBody = body;
        this.init = init;
        this.body = body.stream();
        const { headers, statusCode, statusText, finalUrl, redirected } = init;
        this.headers = headers;
        this.status = statusCode;
        this.statusText = statusText;
        this.url = finalUrl;
        this.type = "basic";
        this.redirected = redirected;
        this._bodyUsed = false;
    get bodyUsed() {
        return this._bodyUsed;
    get ok() {
        return this.status < 300;
    arrayBuffer() {
        if (this.bodyUsed) {
            throw new TypeError("Failed to execute 'arrayBuffer' on 'Response': body stream already read");
        this._bodyUsed = true;
        return this.rawBody.arrayBuffer();
    blob() {
        if (this.bodyUsed) {
            throw new TypeError("Failed to execute 'blob' on 'Response': body stream already read");
        this._bodyUsed = true;
        // `slice` will use empty string as default value, so need to pass all arguments.
        return Promise.resolve(this.rawBody.slice(0, this.rawBody.size, this.rawBody.type));
    clone() {
        if (this.bodyUsed) {
            throw new TypeError("Failed to execute 'clone' on 'Response': body stream already read");
        return new ResImpl(this.rawBody, this.init);
    formData() {
        if (this.bodyUsed) {
            throw new TypeError("Failed to execute 'formData' on 'Response': body stream already read");
        this._bodyUsed = true;
        return this.rawBody.text().then(decode);
    async json() {
        if (this.bodyUsed) {
            throw new TypeError("Failed to execute 'json' on 'Response': body stream already read");
        this._bodyUsed = true;
        return JSON.parse(await this.rawBody.text());
    text() {
        if (this.bodyUsed) {
            throw new TypeError("Failed to execute 'text' on 'Response': body stream already read");
        this._bodyUsed = true;
        return this.rawBody.text();
function decode(body) {
    const form = new FormData();
        .forEach(function (bytes) {
        if (bytes) {
            const split = bytes.split("=");
            const name = split.shift()?.replace(/\+/g, " ");
            const value = split.join("=").replace(/\+/g, " ");
            form.append(decodeURIComponent(name), decodeURIComponent(value));
    return form;

async function GM_fetch(input, init) {
    const request = new Request(input, init);
    let data;
    if (init?.body) {
        data = await request.text();
    return await XHR(request, init, data);
function XHR(request, init, data) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        if (request.signal && request.signal.aborted) {
            return reject(new DOMException("Aborted", "AbortError"));
            url: request.url,
            method: gmXHRMethod(request.method.toUpperCase()),
            headers: Object.fromEntries(new Headers(init?.headers).entries()),
            data: data,
            responseType: "blob",
            onload(res) {
                resolve(parseGMResponse(request, res));
            onabort() {
                reject(new DOMException("Aborted", "AbortError"));
            ontimeout() {
                reject(new TypeError("Network request failed, timeout"));
            onerror(err) {
                reject(new TypeError("Failed to fetch: " + err.finalUrl));
const httpMethods = ["GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "PATCH", "HEAD", "TRACE", "OPTIONS", "CONNECT"];
// a ts type helper to narrow type
function includes(array, element) {
    return array.includes(element);
function gmXHRMethod(method) {
    if (includes(httpMethods, method)) {
        return method;
    throw new Error(`unsupported http method ${method}`);

//# sourceMappingURL=index.mjs.map

;// ./src/call-history.ts

class CallHistory {
    callerIds = {};
    updateCallHistoryEntry(call, callerId) {
        var span = call.querySelector(':scope > span');
        this.showTimeManager(call, call.querySelector('.date').textContent, callerId);
        if (callerId && callerId.tD_NAME !== '') {
            var text = span.textContent;
            span.textContent = callerId.tD_NAME + ' ' + callerId.tD_NUMBER;
    showTimeManager(call, date, callerId) {
        var dateParts = date.match(/^(?<date>.*), (?<duration>[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2})$/);
        var duration = '00:00:00';
        if (dateParts) {
            date = dateParts.groups.date;
            duration = dateParts.groups.duration;
        var parsedDate = esm_parseDate(date);
        var parsedDateDe = de_parseDate(date);
        if (parsedDateDe) {
            parsedDate = parsedDateDe;
        if (!parsedDate) {
        // Date parsing is awful, just assume the first number is the day of month
        var day = date.match(/[0-9]+/)[0];
        var parsedDuration = esm_parseDate(duration);
        console.log('TAPI call history time:', date, 'parsedDate:', parsedDate, 'duration:', duration, 'parsedDuration:', parsedDuration);
        var connect = parsedDate.getFullYear().toString() +
            (parsedDate.getMonth() + 1).toString().padStart(2, '0') + // (January gives 0)
            day.toString().padStart(2, '0') +
            parsedDate.getHours().toString().padStart(2, '0') +
            parsedDate.getMinutes().toString().padStart(2, '0');
        var length = (parsedDuration.getHours() * 60 + parsedDuration.getMinutes()).toString();
        var toolbar = call.querySelector('call-history-options');
        var href = 'domizil://PM/Zeitbuchung?';
        if (callerId && callerId.tD_ID) {
            href += 'KontaktId=' + callerId.tD_ID + '&';
        href += 'connect=' + connect + '&length=' + length;
        var a = document.createElement('a');
        a.title = 'PM Zeitbuchung';
        a.dataset.domizilLink = href;
        a.onclick = () => {
        a.innerHTML = '<svg version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 559.98 559.98">' +
            '<g>' +
            '  <g>' +
            '    <path d="M279.99,0C125.601,0,0,125.601,0,279.99c0,154.39,125.601,279.99,279.99,279.99c154.39,0,279.99-125.601,279.99-279.99' +
            '      C559.98,125.601,434.38,0,279.99,0z M279.99,498.78c-120.644,0-218.79-98.146-218.79-218.79' +
            '      c0-120.638,98.146-218.79,218.79-218.79s218.79,98.152,218.79,218.79C498.78,400.634,400.634,498.78,279.99,498.78z"/>' +
            '    <path d="M304.226,280.326V162.976c0-13.103-10.618-23.721-23.716-23.721c-13.102,0-23.721,10.618-23.721,23.721v124.928' +
            '      c0,0.373,0.092,0.723,0.11,1.096c-0.312,6.45,1.91,12.999,6.836,17.926l88.343,88.336c9.266,9.266,24.284,9.266,33.543,0' +
            '      c9.26-9.266,9.266-24.284,0-33.544L304.226,280.326z"/>' +
            '  </g>' +
            '</g>' +
        toolbar.insertBefore(a, toolbar.firstChild);
    async showCallHistory(element) {
        var span = element.querySelector(':scope > span');
        var number = extractNumber(span.textContent);
        if (!number) {
            this.updateCallHistoryEntry(element, undefined);
        if (this.callerIds[number] !== undefined) {
            this.updateCallHistoryEntry(element, this.callerIds[number]);
        else {
            var response = await GM_fetch('http://cpatapi.cpsrvweb2016.cp-austria.at/callerid/' + encodeURIComponent(number));
            var callerId = { tD_NAME: '' };
            if (response.status === 200) {
                callerId = await response.json();
            console.log('TAPI call histroy callerid response', number, response, callerId);
            this.callerIds[number] = callerId;
            this.updateCallHistoryEntry(element, callerId);

;// ./src/call-notification.ts

class CallNotification {
    async showCallNotification(element) {
        var number = element.querySelector('.callNumber').textContent;
        console.log('TAPI call notification', number);
        number = extractNumber(number);
        if (!number) {
            console.log('TAPI callerid no number found');
        console.log('TAPI searching callerid for', number);
        var response = await GM_fetch('http://cpatapi.cpsrvweb2016.cp-austria.at/callerid/' + encodeURIComponent(number));
        console.log('TAPI callerid response', response);
        var notification = {
            text: number
        if (response.status === 200) {
            var callerId = await response.json();
            if (callerId) {
                notification.text = callerId.tD_NAME + '\r\n' + number + ' (' + callerId.tD_MEDIUM + ')';
        // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
        GM.notification(notification.text, 'TAPI Anruf');

// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/style-loader/dist/runtime/injectStylesIntoStyleTag.js
var injectStylesIntoStyleTag = __webpack_require__("./node_modules/style-loader/dist/runtime/injectStylesIntoStyleTag.js");
var injectStylesIntoStyleTag_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(injectStylesIntoStyleTag);
// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/style-loader/dist/runtime/styleDomAPI.js
var styleDomAPI = __webpack_require__("./node_modules/style-loader/dist/runtime/styleDomAPI.js");
var styleDomAPI_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(styleDomAPI);
// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/style-loader/dist/runtime/insertBySelector.js
var insertBySelector = __webpack_require__("./node_modules/style-loader/dist/runtime/insertBySelector.js");
var insertBySelector_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(insertBySelector);
// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/style-loader/dist/runtime/setAttributesWithoutAttributes.js
var setAttributesWithoutAttributes = __webpack_require__("./node_modules/style-loader/dist/runtime/setAttributesWithoutAttributes.js");
var setAttributesWithoutAttributes_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(setAttributesWithoutAttributes);
// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/style-loader/dist/runtime/insertStyleElement.js
var insertStyleElement = __webpack_require__("./node_modules/style-loader/dist/runtime/insertStyleElement.js");
var insertStyleElement_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(insertStyleElement);
// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/style-loader/dist/runtime/styleTagTransform.js
var styleTagTransform = __webpack_require__("./node_modules/style-loader/dist/runtime/styleTagTransform.js");
var styleTagTransform_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(styleTagTransform);
// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js!./src/search.css
var search = __webpack_require__("./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js!./src/search.css");
;// ./src/search.css


var options = {};

options.styleTagTransform = (styleTagTransform_default());
options.setAttributes = (setAttributesWithoutAttributes_default());
options.insert = insertBySelector_default().bind(null, "head");
options.domAPI = (styleDomAPI_default());
options.insertStyleElement = (insertStyleElement_default());

var update = injectStylesIntoStyleTag_default()(search/* default */.A, options);

       /* harmony default export */ const src_search = (search/* default */.A && search/* default */.A.locals ? search/* default */.A.locals : undefined);

;// ./src/debounce.js
function debounce(func, wait) {
  let timeout;
  return function executedFunction(...args) {
    const later = () => {
    timeout = setTimeout(later, wait);
;// ./src/search.ts

class Search {
    currentSearchText = '';
    createSearchWindow(element) {
        console.log('Create TAPI Search');
        var form = document.createElement('form');
        form.onsubmit = () => {
            var items = document.getElementsByClassName('tapi-search-autocomplete-active');
            if (items.length === 0) {
                items = document.getElementsByClassName('tapi-search-autocomplete-item');
            if (items.length > 0) {
            else {
            return false;
        var searchBox = document.createElement('div');
        searchBox.style.width = '200px';
        searchBox.id = 'tapiSearchBox';
        var search = document.createElement('input');
        search.id = 'tapiSearchInput';
        search.autocomplete = 'off';
        search.placeholder = 'TAPI Suche';
        search.onfocus = () => { this.doSearch(); };
        search.onkeydown = (ev) => { this.doSearchKeyDown(ev); };
        search.onblur = () => {
            console.log('TAPI Search exit', this);
            setTimeout(() => {
                console.log('TAPI clear search results');
            }, 250);
        element.parentElement.insertBefore(form, element);
    removeSearchResults() {
        var resultList = document.getElementById('tapi-search-autocomplete-list');
        if (resultList) {
        this.currentSearchText = '';
    doSearchKeyDown(ev) {
        if (ev.key === 'ArrowUp') {
            let items = document.getElementsByClassName('tapi-search-autocomplete-active');
            if (items.length > 0) {
                var prev = items[0].previousSibling;
            if (!prev) {
                items = document.getElementsByClassName('tapi-search-autocomplete-item');
                if (items.length > 0) {
                    prev = items[items.length - 1];
            if (prev) {
        else if (ev.key === 'ArrowDown') {
            let items = document.getElementsByClassName('tapi-search-autocomplete-active');
            if (items.length > 0) {
                var next = items[0].nextSibling;
            if (!next) {
                items = document.getElementsByClassName('tapi-search-autocomplete-item');
                if (items.length > 0) {
                    next = items[0];
            if (next) {
        else {
    doSearch = debounce(async () => {
        var search = document.getElementById('tapiSearchInput');
        var searchText = search.value.trim();
        if (searchText === '') {
        else if (searchText === this.currentSearchText) {
        console.log('Searching TAPI');
        var response = await GM_fetch('http://cpatapi.cpsrvweb2016.cp-austria.at/search?query=' + encodeURIComponent(searchText));
        console.log('TAPI Search response', response);
        var contacts = await response.json();
        console.log('TAPI Contacts', contacts);
        this.currentSearchText = searchText;
        var results = document.createElement('div');
        results.setAttribute('id', 'tapi-search-autocomplete-list');
        results.setAttribute('class', 'tapi-search-autocomplete-items');
        contacts.forEach(contact => {
            var item = document.createElement('div');
            item.setAttribute('class', 'tapi-search-autocomplete-item');
            var p = document.createElement('p');
            p.innerHTML = contact.tD_NAME + '<br>' + contact.tD_MEDIUM + ': ' + contact.tD_NUMBER_TAPI;
            item.onclick = () => { this.dial(contact.tD_NUMBER_TAPI); };
            item.onmouseover = () => { this.selectResult(item); };
            item.dataset.tapiNumber = contact.tD_NUMBER_TAPI;
    }, 200);
    selectResult(item) {
        console.log('Select item', item);
        var items = document.getElementsByClassName('tapi-search-autocomplete-active');
        for (var i of items) {
    dial(number) {
        console.log('TAPI Search dialing', number);
        var searchInput = document.getElementById('dialpad-input');
        searchInput.value = number;
        var toaster = document.querySelector('toaster-container');
        if (window.getComputedStyle(toaster, null).display == 'none') {

// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js!./src/status.css
var cjs_js_src_status = __webpack_require__("./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js!./src/status.css");
;// ./src/status.css


var status_options = {};

status_options.styleTagTransform = (styleTagTransform_default());
status_options.setAttributes = (setAttributesWithoutAttributes_default());
status_options.insert = insertBySelector_default().bind(null, "head");
status_options.domAPI = (styleDomAPI_default());
status_options.insertStyleElement = (insertStyleElement_default());

var status_update = injectStylesIntoStyleTag_default()(cjs_js_src_status/* default */.A, status_options);

       /* harmony default export */ const src_status = (cjs_js_src_status/* default */.A && cjs_js_src_status/* default */.A.locals ? cjs_js_src_status/* default */.A.locals : undefined);

;// ./src/status.ts

class Status {
    _enabled = false;
    _statusOn = 'menuAvailable';
    _statusOff = 'menuAway';
    _currentStatus = undefined;
    async showStatus(element) {
        this._user = await GM.getValue('tapi-zc-user', '');
        this._enabled = await GM.getValue('tapi-zc-enabled', false);
        this._statusOn = await GM.getValue('tapi-zc-on', 'menuAvailable');
        this._statusOff = await GM.getValue('tapi-zc-off', 'menuAvailable');
        console.log('tapi-zc-user', this._user, 'tapi-zc-enabled', this._enabled, 'tapi-zc-on', this._statusOn, 'tapi-zc-off', this._statusOff);
        waitForKeyElements("wc-account-menu > div > ul", (element) => { this.addZcStatusPopup(element); }, true);
    async checkStatus() {
        if (this._enabled) {
            try {
                var response = await GM_fetch('http://cpatapi.cpsrvweb2016.cp-austria.at/availability/' + encodeURIComponent(this._user));
                if (response.status == 200) {
                    var status = await response.json();
                    if (this._currentStatus !== status.loggedIn) {
                        this._currentStatus = status.loggedIn;
                        console.log('New status, loggedIn', this._currentStatus);
                        var accMenu = document.getElementsByTagName("wc-account-menu")[0];
                        var avatar = accMenu.getElementsByTagName("app-avatar")[0];
                        setTimeout(() => {
                            var statusId = this._currentStatus ? this._statusOn : this._statusOff;
                            console.log('Clicking status', statusId);
                        }, 1000);
            catch (error) {
            setTimeout(() => this.checkStatus(), 30000);
    addZcStatusPopup(element) {
        var divider = document.createElement('li');
        var menu = document.createElement('li');
        var link = document.createElement('a');
        link.id = 'tapi-zc-button';
        link.innerText = 'ZeitConsens';
        link.onclick = () => {
        var html = '<div role="document" class="modal-dialog">' +
            '  <div class="modal-content">' +
            '    <div class="modal-header">' +
            '      <h4 class="modal-title">ZeitConsens Status</h4><button id="zc-btnClose" type="button" aria-label="Close" class="btn-close"  data-qa="modal-cross"></button>' +
            '    </div>' +
            '    <div class="modal-body">' +
            '      <div class="form-group">' +
            '        <label for="tapi-zc-user">Username</label>' +
            '        <input type="text" class="form-control" name="tapi-zc-user" id="tapi-zc-user">' +
            '      </div>' +
            '      <div class="form-group">' +
            '        <label for="tapi-zc-on">Signed in</label>' +
            '        <select id="tapi-zc-on" class="form-control">' +
            '          <option value="menuAvailable">Available</option>' +
            '          <option value="menuOutofoffice">Do Not Disturb</option>' +
            '          <option value="menuCustom1">Verfügbar DW</option>' +
            '        </select>' +
            '      </div>' +
            '      <div class="form-group">' +
            '        <label for="tapi-zc-off">Signed out</label>' +
            '        <select id="tapi-zc-off" class="form-control">' +
            '          <option value="menuAway">Away</option>' +
            '          <option value="menuOutofoffice">Do Not Disturb</option>' +
            '        </select>' +
            '      </div>' +
            '      <div class="checkbox">' +
            '        <label class="i-checks" for="tapi-zc-enabled">' +
            '          <input type="checkbox" id="tapi-zc-enabled">' +
            '          <i></i><span>Enabled</span>' +
            '      </label>' +
            '      </div>' +
            '    </div>' +
            //'    <div class="modal-footer">' +
            //'      <button id="zc-btnOk" type="button" class="btn btn-primary" data-qa="modal-ok">OK </button>' +
            //'      <button id="zc-btnCancel" type="button" class="btn btn-border" data-qa="modal-close">Cancel </button>' +
            //'    </div>' +
            '  </div>' +
        var modal = document.createElement('modal-container');
        modal.id = 'zc-modal';
        modal.innerHTML = html;
        var btnClose = document.getElementById('zc-btnClose');
        btnClose.onclick = () => {
        var zcUser = document.getElementById('tapi-zc-user');
        zcUser.value = this._user;
        zcUser.onchange = () => {
            this._user = zcUser.value;
            GM.setValue('tapi-zc-user', this._user);
            console.log('tapi-zc-user', this._user);
            this._currentStatus = undefined;
        var zcEnabled = document.getElementById('tapi-zc-enabled');
        zcEnabled.checked = this._enabled;
        zcEnabled.onchange = () => {
            this._enabled = zcEnabled.checked;
            GM.setValue('tapi-zc-enabled', this._enabled);
            console.log('tapi-zc-enabled', this._enabled);
            this._currentStatus = undefined;
        var zcOn = document.getElementById('tapi-zc-on');
        zcOn.value = this._statusOn;
        zcOn.onchange = () => {
            this._statusOn = zcOn.value;
            GM.setValue('tapi-zc-on', this._statusOn);
            console.log('tapi-zc-on', this._statusOn);
            this._currentStatus = undefined;
        var zcOff = document.getElementById('tapi-zc-off');
        zcOff.value = this._statusOff;
        zcOff.onchange = () => {
            this._statusOff = zcOff.value;
            GM.setValue('tapi-zc-off', this._statusOff);
            console.log('tapi-zc-off', this._statusOff);
            this._currentStatus = undefined;

;// ./src/index.js
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars

console.log('script start');
const src_search_0 = new Search();
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
waitForKeyElements('ongoing-call-button', element => {
}, false);
const callNotification = new CallNotification();
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
waitForKeyElements('call-view', element => {
}, false);
const callHistory = new CallHistory();
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
waitForKeyElements('.call-history-list call', element => {
}, false);
const src_status_0 = new Status();
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
waitForKeyElements('wc-account-menu', element => {
}, false);

/******/ })()